On November 22, 2023, the Inserm Ethics Committee will hold its 10th anniversarye annual day, in collaboration with the Ethics Space of the Ile-de-France region. On this day, four round tables will address in turn the ethical questions raised by new technologies, the risks of discrimination and accessibility issues related to technological revolutions and finally the uncertainties, the risks of false promises and the interpretability of new technologies.

November 22, 2023: 10th anniversary of the Inserm Ethics Commission.  10 years of revolutions and technological acceleration and new ethical considerations.

This anniversary edition of the annual day of the Inserm Ethics Commission will look back on the reflections carried out by the Commission over the last 10 years, both in retrospect and in the future. It will highlight the new ethical questions that have moved it in this decade of technical-scientific upheavals, in particular the emergence of genome editing and mass data, the very rapid development and maturation of cell and gene therapies or still embryonic models.

The day will also address important overarching societal issues: risks of gender discrimination related to technological revolutions in health and issues of access to information, clinical trials and even treatments. Finally, the event will be an opportunity to share and jointly expand the Committee’s reflections on issues of uncertainty related to research, renewed by the specificities of emerging technologies such as the interpretability of the processes implemented, the long-term consequences and the risk of false promises of science.

Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to interact with speakers on site or remotely.

Consult all Inserm Ethics Committee documents