“It is a terrible tragedy, an absolute tragedy. » Philippe Delorme, Secretary General for Catholic Education, says “shocked”, “like the entire educational community” from the private sector, following the announcement of the death of a 5th grade teenagere at the Saint-Dominique Institute in Saint-Herblain (Loire-Atlantique), near Nantes, victim of a fall due to discomfort after vaccination.

The tragedy occurred on October 19, just before the school holidays. On this day, the Regional Health Authority (ARS) of the Pays de la Loire commissioned a team from Nantes University Hospital to carry out a vaccination session against human papilloma virus infections – as part of the national campaign aimed at students aged 11 to 14, z asannounced by the President of the Republic at the beginning of 2023 –, sexually transmitted infections that are the cause of certain types of cancer, both in women and men.

“Within fifteen minutes” the injection, a student of 5e has been “plagued by vagal problems”, reports the ARS. The teenager, sitting on a chair, “fell heavily to the ground”. He was hit in the back of the head “the hard surface” of the space provided by the school.

The team of four CHU agents came to the victim’s aid and called the emergency services (SMUR) for help, the ARS continued. The teenager was admitted to the hospital’s emergency room, but “His health deteriorated in the following days” : He succumbed to his injuries on Friday, October 27th.

“One of the safest vaccines in the world”

To prevent this, the Nantes public prosecutor, Renaud Gaudeul, opened an investigation into negligent homicide “Determine whether this minor’s medical care – before, during and after the injection – was carried out in accordance with standard practice.”.

The type of discomfort the student is suffering from “may occur due to stress caused by vaccination but is unrelated to the vaccine product”immediately defended the ARS. Asked on Tuesday on RTLHealth Minister Aurélien Rousseau insisted that the vaccine was against human papillomavirus infections “one of the safest vaccines in the world”. “Vagal problems are the first risk with any vaccination. It’s the fear of the needle… There is no connection to the product being injected.”he assured.

According to the Minister, almost 20,000 vaccinations have been administered since the start of this campaign, which is subject to parental authorization: “This is the only serious, tragic incident that we have had to experience”he argued.

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