“Mother gives birth to a child”, anonymous painting (around 1800).

Maternity of Bluets, Paris 12eDecember 20, 2022, 2:40 p.m. Claire Loizeau, The midwife asks me if I would like to help my future child ” go out “. I mechanically grab my daughter’s slippery, purple body and cheer to my wife: “She’s here, look!” She’s there! » The latter, officially a mother for a few seconds, has just achieved the feat for which she had been preparing over the last few months with another midwife, Eva. She had given her valuable advice during the consultations that accompanied the pregnancy. During this preparation I was told that I would be useful and that would be my role ” Here “. Presence has become one for men ” Obligation “, even if“It remains difficult to find your place”recognizes the sociologist Béatrice Jacques, who dedicated a chapter of her dissertation, Sociology of birth (PUF, 2007), instead of fathers during this very special event in life.

But hey, I did it. I held, supported, accompanied, soothed, massaged, fed, warmed, cuddled and admired. I’m a little proud of myself: I never panicked. Calm, calm, stoic. I almost feel like I’m a hero, taking part in a moment that men have always been excluded from.

I was wrong.

Certainly, for centuries The woman gave birth at home, in a familiar room, surrounded by more or less experienced attendants.”writes historian Marie-France Morel, president of the Birth History Society, in an article about the history of birth in France from the 17the in the 20the Century. But strictly speaking, they haven’t existed since the Middle Ages from“Forbidden in the presence of men and fathers”, his colleague Emmanuelle Berthiaud tells me, citing as her sources the writings of doctors or even certain texts by Mirabeau, Michelet or Zola. She still mentions This anonymous – and disturbing – painting depicts a birth in France around 1800where the father is clearly involved.

But then where does this stereotype of the future nervous and idle father who smokes one cigarette after another come from, like Tucker Cobblepot, the rich and sad father of the future penguin? Batman, the challenge ?

In the first edition of the extremely famous work by Laurence Pernoud I’m expecting a child (Horay, 1956, republished many times since), the author offers some advice for future fathers. “Don’t walk nervously down the hall, bite your nails, and smoke cigarette after cigaretteShe writes. Take a short walk. »

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