Will there be a reform of the right to end life? Although the draft of this text should be completed by the end of summer 2023, it is should not be discussed in the National Assembly before January or February 2024. At issue is the inclusion of voluntary abortion in the constitution, which must be on the parliamentary agenda at the beginning of winter.

However, doubts remain about the content of this reform and its timing. A first version consulted by The world, included the possibility of injecting a lethal substance under certain conditions. Ultimately, this provision could be deleted and submitted to the Council of State, while government members advocate organizing a referendum instead.

Meanwhile, the end of life in France continues to be regulated in particular by the “Claeys-Léonetti” law of 2016, which, however, following the lively debates surrounding the cases, seems to have shown certain limits. Vincent Lambert, Alain Cocqor Legalization of euthanasia in Spainin 2021. In addition, in the final report of the Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life, participants overwhelmingly voted in favor of access to euthanasia and euthanasia.

In this video we explain exactly what the current law allows you to do. And if you would like to know more, we refer you to the collection of caregiver testimonials below. Whether they are for or against, they talk about how they have formed beliefs on the issue.

“Understand in three minutes”

The explanatory videos in the “Understanding in Three Minutes” series are created by the Vertical Videos department World. Broadcast primarily on platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook, they aim to contextualize major events in a short format and make the news accessible to everyone.