So far, Caroline Receveur has mostly filmed herself talking about beauty products, showing off a new hairstyle and sharing pictures of moments of joy with her family and her golden retriever. But in recent months the mood on his Instagram account has changed.

On Tuesday November 14th, this influencer, one of the most followed in France, films herself in her hospital bed, with a shaved head and red eyes, to talk about her mastectomy. After a hundred days of treatment and six months of chemotherapy, the thirty-year-old is exhausted and crying “of relief” in front of his 5.6 million followers.

The operating room exit videos followed the ultra-glamorous content on July 25, when Caroline Receveur publicly announced that she was suffering from breast cancer, diagnosed in the spring. “I feel empty, I have lost the desire to eat and a little bit of life.” (…) I, who thought I could keep “this secret,” I can’t do it anymore.”, she explains in the caption. The video was liked 1.3 million times and tens of thousands of encouraging messages piled up in the comments.

“It’s unbelievable”

The time when Brigitte Bardot, Pierre Desproges and François Mitterrand did everything they could to hide their illness from the public seems far away. In recent years, personalities like Jean Pierre PernautFlorent Pagny and Evelyne Dhéliat agreed to speak publicly about their cancer, taking part in a global movement for freedom of expression.

At the same time, anonymous, often much younger people talk about the experience of the illness from the inside out in books, plays and podcasts. With the aim of feeling less alone, but also breaking down the stereotypes about these pathologies, which, according to 2018 figures from the International Center for Cancer Research, will affect one in five men and one in six women in the world during their lifetime .

How is cancer diagnosed? What are the physical and psychological consequences of chemotherapy? How do you deal with hair loss in your 30s?

On the podcast “My Life in the Face of Cancer: Clémentine’s Diary”Broadcast by Franceinfo since May, Clémentine Vergnaud answers all these questions by tracing the story” Burglary “ Cholangiocarcinoma, a very rare and particularly aggressive cancer, diagnosed in June 2022. “It’s unbelievable, it’s hard to believe, we ask ourselves: ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ We blame fate, chance and the universe.”says the 31-year-old journalist, boyish cut and light make-up, met in a café near her home, in Clamart (Hauts-de-Seine).

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