Discover a 2023 review of the French Health Federation’s collaboration with Ukraine, on the occasion of the publication of the last special edition of the Centaure Santé program to rebuild the healthcare system in Ukraine. This episode concludes a year marked by the implementation of commitments.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, companies and health institutions affiliated to the French Health Association have largely mobilized their resources to help rebuild health in the country. With 1,600 facilities damaged by Russian attacks, rebuilding Ukraine’s healthcare system is becoming increasingly important for the country. French manufacturers, already strong in exports, appear to be important partners for Ukraine. And all the more so because Ukraine has shown its willingness to do sointegrate its health system into the European model.

The French Health Association’s methodology for providing aid to Ukraine

Julien Delpech, founder and CEO of InvivoxTravels regularly to Ukraine on behalf of the French Health Association, gathers the needs of those responsible there, establishes and maintains contacts with the authorities in order to introduce them to the solutions from French manufacturers.

In order to support companies that want to position themselves in Ukraine and to support them on important issues that need to be addressed, the French Health Association has chosen the collective strategyand therefore serves as a representative for members to bring them into contact with decision-makers. As for working methods, the French Health Association collects the needs of the Ministry and offers its 300 members a first level of specifications to be distributed to the network. All of this in a climate of trust with important contacts that has been built up over months: Responsible for the reconstruction of the healthcare system, Chambers of Commerce, Ambassadors, Army Medicine, Ministers, Olena Zelenska Foundation

New special episode of Centaure Santé with the first deputy minister of health of Ukraine

Last October, A new business delegation from the French Health Association led by Julien Delpech had the opportunity to meet teams from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and the French Embassy in Ukraine.

This delegation was also accompanied by Marianne Lahana, Founder and host of the show Centaure Santé. The health advocate chose the word to those involved in the reconstruction of the Ukrainian healthcare system in four special episodes on the topic.

On December 6th, the final episode of this special series was released, with an interview with First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine Serhiy Dubrov. The aim of this interview was in particular to highlight the current priorities and needs of the Ministry of Health, as well as its expectations from the European Union.

Watch the episode here.

This episode marks the end of this particular podcast, but also of 2023 will be the year of many successes for cooperation between representatives of the French healthcare ecosystem and Ukrainian health authorities.

Review of the commitments consolidated in 2023 by the French Health Federation

The collective’s strategy has already proven its effectiveness, This has enabled several companies to win tenders for supplying state-of-the-art equipment, setting up rehabilitation centers, modular hospitals, etc. At the same time, ties between the association and the Ukrainian authorities were strengthened. largely reinforced over the course of visits and meetings.

January 2023

Photo of the delegation of the French Health Association to Ukraine in January 2023.

April 2023

Photo of the delegation of the French Health Association to Ukraine in April 2023.

The general delegate of the French Health Association Johanna Lerfel, accompanied by the Health Minister François Braun, traveled to Ukraine, specifically with the intention of signing a memorandum of understanding between France and Ukraine with Viktor Lyashko. This visit, supported by the Delegation for International and European Affairs, is also about discovering something new Superhumans and Unbroken rehabilitation centers dedicated to victims of war.

June 2023

Photo of the delegation of the French Health Association to Ukraine in June 2023.

French Health Association announces the signing of two Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).about the use of one ten modular hospitals across Ukraineand about installing one thirty mammograms for modernizing the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

September 2023

Photo of a Ukrainian health official on stage during the French Health Innovation and Economic Forum in September 2023.

The French Healthcare Association invites a buyer delegation from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to the French Healthcare Innovation and Business Forum. The latter had the opportunity to do so Present the Ukrainian market on stage with major industrial and hospital names in the French healthcare system.

October 2023

Photo of the delegation of the French Health Association to Ukraine in October 2023.

December 2023

Resources on collaboration between the French Health Association and Ukraine in 2023

Download Business France’s white paper on rebuilding Ukraine

Download training needs specifications in Ukraine

Download the press release dated February 9, 2023 following the visit of the French Health Federation

Download the press release from Ellipse Projects following the signing of the June 2023 MoUs

Check out previous special editions of Centaure Santé on rebuilding healthcare in Ukraine

Visit the website dedicated to Franco-Ukrainian solidarity in healthcare

Watch the recording of the webinar “Ukraine: Prospects for 2024” from the French Health Federation