MMadam Prime Minister,

The National Association of Centers for Termination of Pregnancy and Contraception (Ancic), an association of abortion experts founded in 1979, has been committed to defending the right of women to have control over their bodies and others since the final vote on the veil law Abortion experts in their practice.

After welcoming in March 2022 the vote on the Gaillot law to strengthen the right to abortion, today we are excited about the publication of the executive decree that extends the competence to practice IVG by instrumental method to midwives in health facilities Article D.2212-8-1 of this Decree.

In order for a midwife to perform an instrumental abortion, this article requires that three physicians be available on site and a fourth on site or remotely. Never since 1979 has the publication of a law or regulation alarmed professionals like us so much.

For the training of all working people

Article D.2212-8-1 poses a threat to women’s access to instrumental abortion and constitutes strong discrimination against one medical profession, the midwifery profession, compared to another, that of a doctor. Ancic, but also other associations and learned societies like Ansfo [Association nationale des sages-femmes orthogénistes] and the CNGOF [Collège national des gynécologues et obstétriciens français]were asked to re-read the draft decree.

At a meeting on November 30, 2023, attended by numerous representatives of abortion experts, the assembled health experts were able to unanimously conclude that the practice of instrumental abortion by midwives should have no limits other than those prescribed by law.

The conclusion of this consultation was that the ability to perform instrumental abortions lies not in the difference between these two medical professions, but in the training of all professionals who perform these procedures. While neither the resuscitation doctor nor the embolism doctor on site is mandatory for deliveries in maternity units where no more than 1,500 deliveries are carried out per year, Article D.2212-8-1 requires the availability of four doctors on site or remotely Midwife to perform an instrumental abortion.

The risk of slowing access to instrumental abortion

Remember that complications are much more common during childbirth than during an abortion. Physicians in health centers can perform instrumental abortions under local anesthesia even if an obstetrician-gynecologist, ventilator, or embolizer is not on site.

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