Le1um The 5th began in Januarye Dry January issue [Le Défi de janvier], a social mobilization action that proposes taking a break from alcohol for a month. As has been the case since the beginning of the initiative, the French Society for Public Health (SFSP) and its members support this new edition, which can take place again thanks to the mobilization of associative actors, including several of our members. and without any public support.

This January challenge allows you to give your body and your wallet a break and take stock of the role alcohol plays in your daily life. The health benefits of this break are proven: weight loss, better sleep, more energy, better concentration and ultimately better controlled alcohol consumption, even in those who have not “succeeded”. » Completely the challenge. Remember that every day without alcohol is a success.

The undeniable success of Dry January and its positive media treatment show a change in the collective relationship with alcohol consumption. In 2024, more than sixty associations, associations, professional societies, patient groups and local authorities will be involved in the operation. We ask the authorities for strong support for Dry January!

Un important factor for health

The negative consequences of alcohol consumption affect the entire population and not, as is sometimes assumed, just addicted people.

Almost a quarter of 18 to 75 year olds have consumption that exceeds the guidelines promoted by Public Health France since 2017. These “consumption guidelines” are as follows:

– Drink no more than ten standard glasses per week;

– Do not drink more than two glasses per day.

– Plan days a week without eating.

In summary and for the general public’s understanding: “For your health, the following applies: alcohol a maximum of two glasses per day and not every day.” »

Alcohol consumption is an important factor for health, France Cast of the unenviable 4the Ranking of European countries in terms of consumption, according to the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Trends (OFDT) (“ Drugs and addictions. Key figures », 2022). It contributes to social inequalities in the health sector and is responsible for numerous health and social damages, for example in the form of acts of violence especially family violence. Every year 49,000 deaths are caused by alcohol, the equivalent of cities like Vincennes (Val-de-Marne) or Albi (Tarn). Every year alcohol costs society 120 billion euros.

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