Gabriel Attal answers a journalist accompanied by the new Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, Catherine Vautrin, to his right, during a visit to the Dijon-Bourgogne University Hospital on January 13, 2024.

During his fourth trip since his appointment on Tuesday in Matignonpromised Prime Minister Gabriel Attal “An additional 32 billion euros” for the health system “within the next five years”Saturday, January 13th, in front of the cameras.

“Among all the problems to be solved, the hospital is of course the first priority”explained the head of government, who visited the Dijon University Hospital accompanied by the new Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, Catherine Vautrin, who was appointed on Thursday.

Mr Attal promised that the Govt ” keep going[ait] to invest massively in the hospital and in our healthcare system in general », See in the public hospital and the carers a “national treasure”.

I tell you, the next budget that my government has to present will be a historic budget for the public hospital.”he assured again.

“Several years until you feel it”

“We are making up for decades of underinvestment, and of course it takes several years for the nurse, the doctor who is here in the hospital to feel this.”said the Prime Minister. The latter also claimed, “ continue to change the financing of [l’]hospital [public français] » so that it is so “Smarter finance”. He mentioned it too “The challenge of coordinating with that [médecine de] City, of course, to also reduce the pressure on the hospital.”.

For her part, Catherine Vautrin explained that she “wanted to pay tribute to those who are mobilized to ensure this reception of emergencies at all ages”. “A departmental and national reception is interesting. It is important to highlight these elements of complementarity between urbanity and rurality.”She added.

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