HASat the Paris Criminal Court The application was declared invalid on May 19, 2023 of 1,800 victims requested that criminal proceedings be carried out to identify and convict asbestos perpetrators, the approval of the glyphosate has just been expanded to ten years from the European Union (EU). There are many similarities between the health drama of asbestos and that of pesticides. We, the mutual health insurance providers, demand decisive action for the right to health and the preservation of our social protection system.

We, the mutual insurers, acted in the 20th centurye Century to stop the poisoning of workers exposed to asbestos. We defended the victims so that they could receive redress. The toxicity of asbestos was discovered as early as 1906, but not until 1906 In 1997 it was banned in France. This means almost a century of political abandonment of ever more scientific publications, thousands of deaths – more than a hundred thousand in total – and cynical lobbying by industrialists.

Collective blindness

The latter suggested that controlled use of this toxic mineral was possible and thus rejected the ban. This preventable health catastrophe is detailed in the Senate report. The asbestos drama in France: Understanding, repairing better, learning lessons for the future », published in 2005.

Almost twenty years after the publication of this report, it clearly expresses the intention “ Drawing lessons for the future » In light of the asbestos tragedy, we are launching an appeal: Let us stop repeating the mistakes with pesticides that have led to the deaths of more than a hundred thousand asbestos poisoned people.

What are the most common causes of asbestos and pesticide tragedies? First, the initial fascination contributed to a collective blindness. Asbestos has long been portrayed as a magical mineral due to its numerous properties (insulating, fire-resistant, resilient, rot-proof, etc.). The same bias existed with pesticides at the beginning of their massive use. As he wrote [la biologiste et écologiste américaine] Rachel Carson (1907-1964): Chemical herbicides are nice new toys; their effect is spectacular; They give everyone who uses them a breathtaking impression of the prevailing nature. »

Another common point: the lack of transparency from asbestos and pesticide manufacturers who knew their products were deadly. For example, “In 1943, asbestos industrialists commissioned an American laboratory to conduct the first experimental study of asbestos pathology: 80% of the mice tested developed lung cancer. The results of this study remain secret.”reminds us of the Senate report.

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