A nurse at the Delafontaine Hospital in Saint-Denis, in 2022.

Six months before the opening of the Olympic Games (OG), the hospitals in the Ile-de-France are also in the starting blocks and face a major challenge: how can they organize themselves for a summer like no other? According to official estimates, around fifteen million visitors in addition to athletes and their companions? As in other industries, the sensitive issue of human resources is at the forefront.

Summertime is always tense in the hospital: some beds are closed due to nurses’ vacation; This has been even more the case in recent years as it has been characterized by recruitment difficulties. The three weeks of the Olympic Games, which take place between July and August, represent an additional difficulty since it is necessary to offer a first-class care offer: the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), a giant from the Ile-de -France, from 38 establishments, has calculated that 370 additional beds (out of a total of 8,000 for a “normal” month of August) need to be opened in around sixty identified services “in the first line”, and four other emergency operating rooms. In any case, that is the goal in this phase.

“Critical care, orthopedic and digestive surgery, emergency back-end services… We have focused on the sectors that are likely to be in highest demand, explains Florent Bousquié, head of the office of the general director of the AP-HP, Nicolas Revel. We also plan to further mobilize SAMU and SMUR. » The “weapons” still have to be found: doctors, nurses, carers, ambulance drivers… That’s around 800 full-time equivalents on a voluntary basis.

Holiday organization was intensified. Summer timetables, which is not normally the case “go back” than in March, were applied for in the sixty target services before Christmas 2023 and even as early as November. “We asked our professionals in these services if they agreed to be present during the Olympics by setting some limits. continues Mr Bousquié. Everyone must be able to take two consecutive weeks, and those who agree to postpone or put their third week of vacation into a time savings account will be compensated. »

“A real disappointment”

A bonus was granted. According to an internal memo published in October 2023, this is the case The world could consult, it is divided into four amounts: 2,500 euros gross for doctors who postpone five vacation days in a row in order to work so much; 1,000 to 1,200 euros gross for staff in categories A and B (nurses, technicians, middle managers) for 35 hours of work, 800 euros for nursing staff and workers in category C.

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