How can science meet the challenges of the 21st century? This is the question at the heart of the first edition of the Paris-Saclay Summit “Choose Science”, which will take place on February 29th and March 1st at the EDF Lab in the heart of the Saclay PlateauInsert is one of the academic partners.

At this ambitious event, under the patronage of the President of the Republic, you can marvel, ask questions and learn about these numerous and fascinating scientific topics at the interface between research, society and innovation.

Choice of science, choice of the future

Supported by the Paris-Saclay agglomeration community, the Île-de-France region and Le Point, the Paris-Saclay Summit Congress aims to celebrate the excellence of France and the global impact of public or private research.

At the heart of this event will come together a gathering of actors who are often overshadowed in public debates but are crucial to shaping tomorrow’s future: scientists, business leaders, academics, political leaders and many others! The aim of their presence is to highlight scientific findings in the service of progress and major ecological, economic and social challenges.

The planned interventions by Inserm

Inserm, a key player in the field of health and medical research in France, brings its expertise and commitment to this summit of international importance. Experts from the Institute will speak at various round tables to share their latest findings and interact with the public in attendance.

Will we be able to treat all types of cancer in the future?
Date : February 29th from 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m
Location : Alan Turing Hall

In the presence of Fanny JaulinInserm Research Director at the Gustave Roussy Institute (Inserm Unit 1279 / Université Paris-Saclay / Gustave Roussy), researcher in the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Dynamics.

Endometriosis: the great hopes of research
Date : February 29th from 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Location : Henri Poincare Room

In the presence of Marina KvaskoffEpidemiologist and researcher at the Research Center for Epidemiology and Population Health Inserm (Unit 1018 Inserm / University of Paris-Saclay / University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Science and Society Prize-Opecst 2023.

Journey into the limits of the brain: encountering the “wave of death”
Date : March 1st from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m
Location : Henri Poincare Room

In the presence of Stéphane CharpierProfessor of neuroscience at Sorbonne University, director of an Inserm research team at the Paris Brain Institute

The Human Brain Project, 10 years later: Where are we in our knowledge of the human brain?
Date : March 1st from 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m
Location : Henri Poincare Room

In the presence of Hervé ChneiweissNeurologist, neuroscientist, research director at CNRS, president of the Inserm Ethics Committee.

Discover scientific excellence with us, be inspired by visionary minds and find out how Inserm’s medical research shapes our shared future. Come and make history at the Paris-Saclay Summit!

useful information

Dates: February 29 and March 1, 2024
Location : EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, 7 Boulevard Gaspard Monge, 91120 Palaiseau

How do you get ?
RER B and C stop Massy/Palaiseau
Bus 91/06 (or 91.10) stop Palaiseau-Campus
Bus 14 stop Polytechnique Vauve

Registration is free but required