The flu epidemic, which had already spread in the metropolis in mid-January, had further intensified at the end of the month, the health department announced on Wednesday (January 31), while the vaccination campaign was extended by a month. Overseas, the epidemic continues in Guyana, Guadeloupe and Martinique, but has ended in Mayotte Public Health France in a weekly bulletin.

Between January 22nd and 28th “All indicators rose sharply in community medicine and hospitals of all age groups”, the agency noted. In this context, the vaccination campaign, which is aimed particularly at those over 65, has been extended by one month by the health authorities. Originally scheduled to last until January 31st, it now has to last until February 29th.

Bronchiolitis on the decline

However, the situation with two other major respiratory epidemics is reassuring: bronchiolitis, which primarily affects infants, and Covid-19. The bronchiolitis epidemic no longer affects any metropolitan area, although some of them are still in a post-epidemic stage. As for hospitalizations, it will not have reached the exceptionally high levels of the 2022-2023 season, but will still have proven significant.

As for Covid-19, which manifests itself in frequent waves rather than an annual winter epidemic, the indicators are decreasing or remaining stable. Particularly, “Positivity rates have decreased in the city and in hospitals”note Public Health France.

The world with AFP