What if the immune system was also a question of mechanics? In recent years, numerous researchers have worked intensively on these aspects. And for good reason: tumor progression is influenced by numerous biomechanical parameters that promote or slow down the formation of metastases, these secondary tumors that arise from the spread of tumor cells through the bloodstream. Researcher Jacky Goetz* (Insert/University of Strasbourg) and Li Tang (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and their teams have pooled their expertise (biomechanics, metastases, immunology) to provide an overview of recent advances in this field in a comprehensive article published in the journal Nature nanotechnology.

The growth of a primary tumor, from which cancer cells can emerge to metastasize elsewhere in the body, is accompanied by mechanical changes generally related to the stiffness of the surrounding tissue, the behavior of the fluids surrounding the tumor, and the mechanical changes Properties of tumor cells. These changes, which sometimes occur in other types of pathologies (such as: Fibrosis), can slow the infiltration of immune cells and thus slow tissue healing.

The good news is that all different immune cells – such as lymphocytes – are sensitive to these biomechanical forces: numerous studies report that they adapt their responses to the different mechanical stimulations they are exposed to and, in particular, to the rigidity of the target cancer cell. The more flexible tumor cells would therefore be less sensitive to attempts at destruction by the so-called “ cytotoxic “Immune cells.

Illustration of an immune cell wanting to destroy a tumor cell.
The immune cell (left) uses its cytotoxic activity to destroy the tumor cell (right) by introducing granzymes: these “soldiers” have the task of eliminating cells unwanted for the body by triggering the apoptosis mechanism of self-destruction of cells.
©Julien Husson