99% of the world’s population breathes air that does not meet air quality limits recommended by the World Health Organization. The consequences for our health are diverse, not just for the respiratory system, but for our entire body.

An article that can be found in the magazine Inserm No. 58

More than four million! According to the WHO, this is the number of premature deaths caused by outdoor air pollution each year worldwide. Respiratory obstructions and infections, cardiovascular accidents and cancers are the main causes of this premature mortality due to the presence of pollutants in the air we breathe: gases, heavy metals, suspended particles and dust. Those who have the greatest influence on our health are undoubtedly the famous prime ministers (for particle matter in English), especially PM2.5, Fine particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter. Public Health France estimates that around 40,000 premature deaths are due to PM.2.5 In France