During 2024, the High Authority for Health is expected to publish new medical recommendations for the care of transgender people. How are they currently supported with their care? What about their transition journey? How can it be improved? Researchers from Inserm investigated these questions.

An article in Inserm Magazine No. 59

It’s a huge project: For several months, the High Authority for Health has been preparing new recommendations for the medical care of transgender people. Advertised for “ in 2024 », its publication will be eagerly awaited by everyone who is in any way involved in the long and complicated care process for transgender people to date…

How many people are affected in France? According to health insurance figures, 8,952 people were 100% reimbursed for their “trans identity” insurance in 2020. By definition, a transgender person, or “trans,” identifies with a gender other than their birth gender, their biological sex, which refers to the reproductive organs, and their gender identity, the internal sense of being a man or a woman. This dissonance is called “gender incongruence” and can occur in early childhood. It can cause psychological distress called “gender dysphoria.” This may lead you to want to change your appearance to match the gender you identify with.

Support on this “transitional path” is initiated by the treating doctor, a psychiatrist or an endocrinologist, who is usually trained in university hospitals. “ The support provided by our team is very individual and depends on the expectations and level of reflection of the person concerned. It begins with multidisciplinary support (psychiatrist, endocrinologist, urologist, gynecologist, etc.). The aim is threefold: ensuring stability of demand, verifying the absence of contraindications to hormonal treatment (severe coagulation disorder, heart disease, etc.) and providing assistance in fertility preservation (sampling and freezing sperm or eggs). Treatment that affects it », develops Eva Feigerlova, endocrinologist and pediatrician at Nancy CHRU and researcher in a unit Insert.

A long and complex transition

As a cornerstone of the transition process, hormonal treatment aims to attenuate the secondary sexual characteristics of the undesired sex (physical peculiarities, apart from the sexual organs, that distinguish the two sexes: more developed breasts in women, greater hair and muscle mass in men…) and the To promote development of those of the desired gender. The ” thanks to a combination of hormones (GnRH analogues, testosterone, estrogen…), which makes it possible to reduce the level of sex hormones naturally produced by humans (testosterone in people born male, estrogen, etc.). progesterone in women born female) and replace them with hormones of the opposite sex », explains Eva Feigerlova. Over a very long period of time, sometimes several decades, this treatment, like any medication, can cause undesirable effects. In particular, it could weaken bones and promote cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.), as studies show, the results of which still need to be confirmed. For example, during the work published in 2022