This is the social goal of his second five-year term. It has also been a political burden for a few weeks: Emmanuel Macron has a bill on his desk that would allow incurable patients access to “euthanasia” under strict conditions. The text stipulates that they can request the right to administer a lethal product prescribed by a doctor or, if they are physically unable to carry out the procedure, to receive assistance from a caregiver or even a loved one.

First announced for December, “The draft law on the French end-of-life model will be presented in February”insured, Saturday, December 9th, In Le figaro, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, ministerial delegate in charge of territorial organization and health professionals. However, the date for its consideration in the National Assembly has not yet been set.

Some ministers are calling for a postponement until after the European elections on June 9, 2024, as they fear that the issue, which breaks the nursestriggers a dispute between MPs, who are divided on the issue beyond party lines, and stirs up social tensions, even if the majority of French people are positive about the principle of openness to active euthanasia. “On this subject, we must go there feeling absolutely certain about everything we have written.”argued Aurélien Rousseau, the health minister, on November 14, on Sud Radiowhich suggests that the text could be modified before and after its adoption to the Council of State.

Emmanuel Macron is plagued by personal questions about the introduction of a right to kill and is trying to clear the political terrain and avoid being accused of hesitation. A double goal that leads him to limit his communication to the other aspect of the question of the end of life. Saturday, in THE Figaro,MMe Firmin Le Bodo explains this more precisely ” the announcement “ of a “New ten-year strategy” for the development of palliative care “will take place in January”.

“Coming out of a health vision »

In this way, the government shows its will to keep its promises, on the anniversary of the opening of the Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life requested by the head of state, which will meet in the Economic, Social and Environmental Council from December 2022 to April 2023 (EESC). The former participants of this congress, now united in a club called “The 184” (the initial number of congress members chosen by lottery), are indeed beginning to become impatient.

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