The day she discovered the images that the Midjourney Generator could generate using artificial intelligence (AI), Catherine stayed “Agape”. A question quickly came to the Parisian graphic designer’s mind: “How can we still exist? » Faced with these high-quality creations, made instantly and almost for free, she felt “expropriated [son] Expertise. On a psychological level it is devastating, we lose self-confidence.”. She said to herself “pessimistic about the future of [son] Work “.

The feeling of“Fear” What Catherine feels is the same as what upsets Chloé, a communications manager, today because she believes her job won’t work in a few years “Added value”. Or the one who makes Pierre, an accountant, think about a career change. Will this be artificial intelligence? “digital ogre”Who will, as Chloé puts it, take over jobs in certain areas of activity? The question remains unanswered to this day, as forecasts on this topic prove to be tricky. Many organizations recognize that there has been confusion in this area for months.

“The direct impact of AI on our companies remains a mystery to this day”, summarizes Valérie Decaux, Human Resources Manager at La Poste Group. French companies today are essentially in the experimental phase. And the use of generative AI tools to create content (meeting agendas, etc.) has made rapid progress, but is still poorly structured.

Downgrade printing

However, the use of AI-based solutions (and task automation tools more generally) causes problems for a significant proportion of employees. In addition to the curious, even the enthusiasts, “Many workers (three in five) are worried about losing their jobs to AI in the next decade, especially those who already work with it.” [elle] »according to a study published in July 2023 by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which focuses on the financial and manufacturing sectors.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers Generative artificial intelligence attacks human resources

Whether the vision is realistic or fantasy, the fear of being replaced by the machine is there. But she’s not the only one. In fact, the introduction of automation tools can activate different psychological mechanisms among the affected employees. This is the case, for example, in industry, where AI systems are being tested to automate the quality control of produced parts. Solutions that employees previously responsible for this mission often see coming with fear.

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