Lthe new law “Control immigration, improve integration” is not text “fascist” Or “Racist” as has been said here and there. However, it is undeniably restrictive in the sense that it makes fundamental rights more difficult, unsettling or even eliminating.

Of course, if we compare it with the legal arsenal on immigration and asylum issues of a certain number of European Union (EU) countries, it will not be difficult to find “worse” than France. It was Hungary that built a nearly four-meter-high fence on its border with Serbia to combat this Transit of migrants in the Balkans.

While the National Assembly voted on the immigration law on December 19, 2023, the representatives of the 27 EU member states did so the next day an agreement on the future migration pact.

Vital sum

But what seems to border on a caricature on the part of our politicians and legislators is the almost surreal, not to say obscene, bargaining over state medical aid (AME). Why consider the AME as a “legislative rider”? [un amendement dépourvu de lien, même indirect, avec le texte de loi examiné] ? Why are the health problems of migrants divorced from the health problems linked to the living conditions of the most precarious sections of the working class?

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “No, state medical aid is not scandalous bait for migrants! »

The World Health Organization notes that health problems are not necessarily characterized by the absence of disease or infirmity. For this institution, health means “one of the fundamental rights of every human being, regardless of their race, religion, political opinion, economic or social situation”. We can talk about “migrant health”. But if we want to be even a little rigorous, we should talk about public health and workplace health disparities. Suffice it to mention a single example that has been often cited during the Covid-19 pandemic: that of “suppliers”.

Major cities such as Paris in 2021 and Bordeaux in February 2023 have provided these extremely precarious workers with delivery platforms in support sites called “Maisons des Delivereurs”. Médecins du Monde and the Maison des Delivereurs in Bordeaux have raised the alarm “the brutal deaths, the physical and psychological suffering of the delivery men”.

How many lose their lives at “work”? How many are injured when they fall from their means of transport? Nobody knows. And for good reason, it is not employees who disappear from the statistics, but “self-employed people” who do not fall under the category of occupational accidents and illnesses. They are usually under 30 years old and usually do not have a residence permit. “Secrets” who extradite representatives, elected officials, high-ranking officials, families, etc.

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