At a deal point, in Villerupt (Meurthe-et-Moselle), May 14, 2023. Drug prices are written on a wall.

In a small Senate room with tables arranged in a U-shape, they vowed to say it “the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. Transparency on the extent of drug trafficking in France: this is what was expected from the directors of the national police, the anti-narcotics office (Ofast) and the gendarmerie, who were summoned on Monday November 27 to the first hearings of the drug commission in the Senate investigation on “the impact of drug trafficking in France and the measures to be taken to eradicate it”.

To observe, they drew a portrait of a threat in three voices “historically high level”says Stéphanie Cherbonnier, head of Ofast, who explains this more precisely“No area in France is spared.” Senators must complete their work on May 8, 2024 and hope to propose legislative initiatives to address an inspiring situation “Worries”said the socialist senator from Saône-et-Loire Jérôme Durain, president of this commission requested by the Les Républicains (LR) group.

Frédéric Veaux, the Director General of the National Police, first highlights this “capitalist and ultra-liberal logic of human traffickers”in one “The market is now dominated by criminal groups from disadvantaged neighborhoods”. Gangs capable of collaborating with foreign criminal structures such as the Mocro Maffia, a Dutch organization of Moroccan origin, or Albanian groups. Their strengths include “perishable capacity” currently ” everywhere “ – Target group are port and airport employees, civil servants, etc. “No profession is spared”will complete MMe Cherbonnier.

“Logic of Vendetta”

The increasing and uncontrolled violence, the common thread in the senators’ questions, is supported by a figure disclosed by Mr. Veaux: the cases of homicide or attempted homicide related to drug trafficking have increased by 57% since the beginning of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 – or 315 cases recorded this year. He believes that this violence “is a way for the criminal enterprises that control this trade to strengthen or increase their influence by attempting to recapture markets.”but also “A method of retaliation that unfortunately translates into the logic of revenge, the end of which we never see.”.

MMe Cherbonnier adds that he emphasizes the influence of organized crime in the country “75 settlements between criminals since the beginning of 2023, of which between 80% and 90% are related to drug trafficking”.

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