🚀 Many thanks to Sciences & Avenir for highlighting the innovative technology developed by Cardiawave in their article “Ultrasound to Heal the Heart” published at the end of December!
We are pleased that our work is featured in this prestigious magazine and thank you for your support.
🌐 Cardiawave is developing a non-invasive ultrasound therapy device to treat patients with severe RAC (Calcified Aortic Narrowing), for which there is no solution today. The article in Sciences et Avenir highlights the promising results of Cardiawave’s clinical feasibility studies (“Valvosoft® FIM study”), which demonstrate an improvement in cardiac function and quality of life in treated patients. These results were published last November in the prestigious British scientific journal The lancet 💡
🔍 Read the article here: https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/sante/coeur-et-cardio/des-ultrasons-pour-soigner-le-coeur_175895
@Emmanuel Messas @Mickael Tanter @Mathieu Pernot @Olivier Pierron
#HEGP, @AP-HP, Public Support – Paris Hospitals, @Physics for Medicine Paris, #Langevin Institute, @CNRS – National Center for Scientific Research, @ESPCI Paris – PSL, @Inserm @RHU STOP AS
@sciences-et-avenir #FocusedUltrasound #AorticStenosis #RAC #Medtech #FrenchCare #Health20 #NIUT #thelancet