The young start-up with BPI’s Deeptech label has just received its ISO 13485 certification to continue its strong development and commercialization of very innovative medical devices for cardiac imaging. This certification guarantees that the company’s services follow sufficiently demanding quality and safety procedures.

Several stakeholders from research and electrical engineering worked together to make this possible Epsidi : Myline Cottance, Doctor of Electrical Engineering, Guillaume Calmon, Civil Engineer, Jacques Felblinger, Researcher at IADI laboratoryand the researcher ofINSERM Freddy Odille. These passionate experts pooled their knowledge and created something Epsidi with the dual goal of revolutionizing clinical knowledge of cardiovascular disease and electrical signals and improving cardiac imaging and medical care for all.

Women are largely forgotten when it comes to heart risk prevention

Above all, it is about improving care for women, who are more severely affectedContrary to popular belief, men suffer from cardiovascular disease. They pose a higher cardiac risk at younger ages and are slow to be recognized, partly due to a lack of awareness of specific female symptoms. Consequently, they are processed later and are available a lower survival rate than its male counterpart.

Epsidy’s electrical engineering teams are currently revolutionizing this support. In particular, they developed a solution Cardiac MRI based on artificial intelligence, which detects more than 95% of heartbeats, thanks to the synchronization of cardiac images obtained by MRI with the heartbeats recorded in the electrocardiogram. A much higher rate than that possible with traditional techniques based on only one of these two methods. Several French institutions are already experimenting with this solution, including University College London.

Export projects to establish yourself as a leader in intelligent imaging

The Lorraine Medtech start-up, founded two years ago, is already very successful in exports and plans to implement several commercial projects in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. In this context, the next development step is called preservation CE marked, then FDA approvedan approach that should be greatly facilitated by the granting of this ISO 13485 certification. In addition, the company intends to soon offer an innovative electrocardiogram vest, precise and adapted to female and male morphologies, to better detect certain pathologies.

To achieve these goals, Epsidy announces that it will raise 450,000 euros in funding Part of its development and research and development. The total need is estimated at 1.7 million euros, an amount that would potentially allow the young company to take a leadership role in the world of smart cardiac imaging and start a major revolution in favor of women’s health.

Epsidy ISO certification