Frédéric Valletoux, then president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), on the steps of the Elysée Palace, September 18, 2018.

The hypothesis of his appointment as Health Minister has already been circulated several times, and this time it was confirmed in previous reshuffles. Horizon MP Frédéric Valletoux, 57, was appointed on Thursday, February 8th, Minister of Health. He will support Catherine Vautrin, who took over on January 11th within the government formed by Gabriel Attal.a huge area Mixing health, but also work and solidarity.

The appointment of Mr. Valletoux comes at a time of uncertainty, Avenue de Ségur, following the resignation in December of Aurélien Rousseau, who was against the “immigration law”. the turbulent interim period by Agnès Firmin Le Bodowho is being investigated in court because, as a pharmacist, he received gifts from Urgo-Laboratories.

It is a political profile agreed upon by Gabriel Attal and Emmanuel Macron at a time of great turmoil in the health sector. Mayor of Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) for more than fifteen years (2005-2022), former regional councilor of Ile-de-France, most recently president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), the lobby of public hospitals decade to 2022… This center -Right-wing parliamentarian who will be elected to the National Assembly in 2022 is not a novice or novice ” invisible “to use the epithet often associated with ministers who “wouldn’t print” not enough.

Former journalist

In contrast to some of his predecessors such as François Braun, Olivier Véran or Agnès Buzyn, Frédéric Valletoux is not a doctor. The father of five children worked as a journalist for fifteen years The community newsletter then to the newspaper The echoes. After being elected mayor under the UMP label Les Républicains (LR), he joined as a deputy the Agir party, founded by former LR Franck Riester and then by Edouard Philippe, Horizons. After a largely right-wing political career, he joined the presidential majority.

Well recognized by health stakeholders, it is already eagerly awaited at a time when backlogs are piling up. On the “double” medical deductibles and “Regulation” Head of State Emmanuel Macron already indicated the course of foreign doctors in his television interpretation on January 16th.

Also read | Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron defends the doubling of “medical franchises”

In the short term, the new health minister must deliver the promised end-of-life reform and the delicate overhaul of state health aid. Not to mention the ongoing hospital crisis and medical shortages that are getting worse in many areas.

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