Don’t call her anymore ” Meeting “ of prevention: At the Ministry of Health we are now defending the term “Balance Sheets”. By assuming a nearly year-long delay in implementation. So far, these free examinations with health professionals – a campaign promise of candidate Emmanuel Macron – are only being used on an experimental basis in Hauts-de-France. First of all, the target group is forty-year-olds. Before the now promised generalization in January 2024.

According to the Hauts-de-France regional health authority, which employs around fifty volunteer health professionals, around fifteen examinations took place in the first week of the trial at the beginning of November.

A year ago there were three prevention consultations, at ages 20 to 25, at ages 40 to 45 and then at ages 60 to 65, promised by François Braun, the former Minister of Health, as part of the Social Security Financing Project Law for 2023. All three have health insurance. “We are entering the age of prevention”he congratulated himself, on September 18, 2022, in The Sunday diary. A few days before he left the ministry, in July, the emergency doctor announced that implementation would begin in October. No tracking.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers Prevention, this other project of the Ministry of Health

In recent days, his successor Aurélien Rousseau has chosen to defend a revised version of this promise in Parliament. “What was planned couldn’t be implemented, we had put too much pressure on the professionals”justifies the Minister of Health, pointing out that the content is too extensive to be carried by doctors, nurses, midwives or even pharmacists who would probably carry out these assessments. “I wanted to realign the system. »

Mixed reactions on site

The “Exchange time” Thirty to forty-five minutes should be an opportunity to take stock “Life habits” and that” Environment “ of the patient “Understand and act accordingly what affects health”Do it “Benefit from screening measures” And “Fighting the emergence of diseases” (diabetes, cancer, etc.).

The first appointment is offered at the age of 18, which, as desired by the carers, should make it possible to intervene early enough with regard to addiction prevention, vaccinations or even mental health. Three more deadlines follow, at ages 45-50, then at ages 60-65 and at ages 70-75, for a total of four assessments.

Reactions on site remain mixed. Especially at MG France, the leading association of general practitioners. “The college of general medicine had made numerous suggestions, everything was thrown in the trash, regrets Agnès Giannotti, its president. There is no point in pretending that we are all interchangeable (doctor, nurse, pharmacist, etc.), we should have used everyone’s skills! »

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