Pain therapy has become a public health priority. For this purpose, various national recommendations and laws have been issued improve the quality of care. Since 70% of patients are affected, Acute pain is the main reason for consultation in France. This reality is well known in emergency medicine more than half of all admissions. Although it is the most commonly reported symptom, treatment of this distressing element sometimes falls into the background Service saturation, the lack of staff or the protocols for administering sedatives. What if there was a practical and flexible solution without medication Relief from pain in the emergency room? Let’s find out.

Pain in the emergency room: a common symptom

According to the Pain management and tracking in the emergency departmentAcute pain is no stranger to patients and has a negative impact on them between 50 and 80% of visits. However, pain is not just extremely unpleasant harmful to the bodyTherefore, early management is important.

When waiting enriches the patient’s meal

When faced with painful sensations, we all tend to develop scenarios in which the Heaviness of our food will be catastrophic. During a long waiting period, the imagination runs at full speed and the patient focuses primarily on himself Perception of painwhich doesn’t help to dispel it.

tea Hospital environment inadvertently contributes to worsening this impression. Most visitors expect the care that awaits them, imagine the possible complications and are often afraid of the diagnosis: “What will the doctor tell me?”; “Do I have to wait much longer?”; “How many patients do I still have to treat?”; “Will my injury get worse over time?”; “My pain is much worse than it was 5/10/20 minutes ago, is that normal?”

These chain questions are obviously legitimate, but concentrate on the topic never alleviates the suffering and fears. Unfortunately, in the hustle and bustle of the ward, the carers do not always have the time or staff to calm each patient individually.

People suffering from epilepsy, motion sickness, or migraines may experience symptoms when immersed in virtual reality.

Dealing with organizational pressures and record-keeping

Illness, trauma, bruise, laceration… Overloaded emergency rooms Deal daily with patients suffering from painful conditions and anxiety. Unlike other hospital treatments, the medical team must do this react fastsometimes under complex conditions.

The reasons for admission to the emergency room are extremely diverse, as are the causes of the pain. Upon arrival at the department, the patient is assessed and then admitted according to the severity of his pathology. This evaluation depends on several parameters:

  • hemodynamic;
  • Respiratory tract;
  • neurological;
  • Pain intensity.

Despite the coherence and necessity of this process, it does not happen in an instant and cannot be rushed. And that’s how it happened Patient flow sometimes leads to significant congestion in the department. Organizational pressure and record-keeping therefore have a strong influence individual care and pain management, as the study on the topic shows Treatment of acute pain in emergency medicine for adults.

This is also shown by practical surveys Pain management and traceability do not always happen automatically. According to the file Management and traceability of pain in emergency patientsless than “half of patients with pain receive treatment.”

In order to meet the requirements, the Administration of morphine remains the main treatment in emergency facilities. Emergency doctors are increasingly using it local anesthesiabut this requires established protocols that make treatment more cumbersome… Now nurses have a different one non-pharmacological analgesic method You can rely on.

Creating powerful, realistic virtual reality software can create compelling immersions.

Virtual reality: a useful non-medical supplement to improve the quality of care

1. A practical and flexible device in the hospital

To the solutions for Defuse fears or anxietiesDistraction continues to be strongly recommended in many studies, particularly in Pediatricians. In fact, immersion in virtual reality takes the user into a landscape designed for it bring peace and serenity.

tea The headsets from Healthy Mind Leave the cables behind Allow the patient to move freely and adapted to the various hospital procedures: procedures with needles, venipunctures, lumbar punctures, infusions, burns or wounds (1st to 3rd degree). The versatility of immersions makes them relevant in several sensitive configurations:

  • psychiatric emergencies to reduce the anxiety of a patient suffering from disorientation;
  • gynecological and maternity emergencies to relax and relieve stress associated with an unexpected event birth;
  • pediatric emergency to reassure parents whose child is being cared for or to provide escape sessions when the child needs to be sedated.

Thus, the device accompanies every position without restricting, as one supervisor testified:

“The use is made easier with one easily accessible interface and a mode that can be adjusted in time and contemplative or interactive mode as needed for people who need it mobility.”

Pain must be treated adapted to its intensity, to the patient and to the pathology. The advantage of virtual reality is that it is just as effective on a person with no history as it is on a child, a pregnant woman or an elderly person, since there is none Contraindications to its use.

Additionally, patients are generally curious and intrigued by the device:

“The innovative approach was appreciated as it sparked both interest and curiosity and its use in an emergency department gave patients confidence looking for non-drug options to treat pain.”

2. Fully customizable software

If there is a department where adaptability is a must, it’s the emergency room. There is no need to install complicated and time-consuming software. For this reason, Healthy Mind practical functions that meet the challenges in hospitals: adjustable immersion times.

In addition, the device has other functionalities to ensure this Continuity of connection between patient and carer so that communication remains possible at all times. The implementation of virtual reality in the department does not require staff training and can therefore be introduced quickly to reduce the burden on patients without immobilizing nursing staff.

3. Proven effectiveness in relieving pain in the emergency room

Until now, opioid medications have been the first choice for treating acute pain in the emergency room. Although this administration is unavoidable in some cases, the fact remains so certain non-pharmacological effects can complement the analgesic effect or even favor the use of a locoregional instead of general anesthesia.

Among them, virtual reality presents a multisensory approach that combines the advantages of several therapeutic solutions, such as: hypnosis, Music therapy gold Cardiac coherence:

“Virtual reality glasses have made it possible to change the perception of pain during use in several patients.”

In addition to alleviating suffering, the simulations also have an effect on patients’ feelings of fear and anxiety, as the study results published in show Newspaper BMC Emergency Medicine:

To Relief from pain in the emergency room is a fundamental problem as it occurs in most patients during their hospital stay. Thanks to a non-medical approach, virtual reality offers a complementary therapeutic solution This requires minimal overload and mobilization of staff. With a remarkable one Reducing anxiety and painthe device can even prove its usefulness to others use cases and thus develop its full potential Relevance in the hospital environment. Since a picture is often worth a thousand words, we invite you to do so Discover our headsets during a demonstration.