President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris, February 5, 2024.

Brittany artichokes and poultry vol-au-vent were on the dinner menu at the Elysée on Thursday, February 8th. Once again, representatives of religions were invited to Emmanuel Macron’s table to discuss the topic of end of life. The previous dinner with religious authorities took place on March 9th. Since then, the head of state has set a course: in the coming weeks the “ Outlines » a law that would allow access to euthanasia (assisted suicide and euthanasia). He had previously planned to a “Ten-year plan for the development of palliative care”.

On Thursday, the Head of State confirmed this scenario to religious representatives and other invited personalities: Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the National Consultative Ethics Commission (CCNE), and Alain Claeys, co-rapporteur of the CCNE’s opinion on the end of life in September 2022, two doctors and two members of the Citizens’ convention on the end of life. Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, also attended the dinner.

However, Emmanuel Macron was not very explicit about the exact modalities of euthanasia, and was even cryptic. Is it about accommodating religious groups, the majority of whom are against euthanasia and assisted suicide, or does he himself still have doubts about the system that the future law provides? “It seems to me that President Macron is really wondering analyzed Monseigneur Rougé, Bishop of Nanterre, before accepting the invitation of the Head of State. How can we not be sensitive to what many caregivers, doctors and even some great intellectual and spiritual authorities who are not indifferent to this say? It is an honor for politicians to have a shaking hand on such difficult and sensitive issues. »

“Speech was free”

On Thursday, Emmanuel Macron first let each of his guests have their say. “The quality of listening was exceptional”Finally welcomed Antony Boussemart, Co-President of the Buddhist Union of France. “We discussed substance in a very respectful context” said Pastor Christian Krieger, President of the French Protestant Federation. “The atmosphere was full of seriousness and listening” is abundant, Mgr. Matthieu Rougé. “Speech was free,” adds one of the doctors present.

Also read the decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers End of life: a palliative care plan pending euthanasia law

The head of state then delivered a reflection that was more ethical and philosophical than practical. Regarding the opening of euthanasia, [s]We hope is to propose a space that is neither a freedom nor a right, but a possibility that would be the lesser evil,” reports Antony Boussemart. In Macron’s eyes “The question is there, it must be answered. The legal situation today does not fully meet this requirement. Whose deed? reports the religious.

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