Conferences are an opportunity for meetings that open collaboration between health stakeholders. The director of the AP-HP Foundation and the founder of Invivox met during the Surgical Innovation Conference organized by Prof. Eric Vibert in June 2023.

This exchange will result in a partnership project Invivox and that Foundation of the AP-HP. The stakeholders announced on March 5, 2024, the effective launch of this partnership aimed at this Develop and facilitate knowledge exchange with healthcare professionals in the hospital.

Invivox is a training platform, which brings together a community of more than 350,000 professionals and exercises its French leadership in knowledge exchange for healthcare professionals. Invivox offers training, conferences, webinars, e-learning sessions, quizzes and clinical cases… in person or remotely, customized every time, tailored to the needs of different types of healthcare professionals.

“Medical knowledge doubles every 73 days”

Working people face a big problem: if Medical knowledge doubles every 73 days (in 2020, according to a study by the American Clinical and Climatological Association), their free time decreases. This partnership answers this contradiction: it will actually make it possible 12,300 doctors and 53,000 other employees of the AP-HP to access the knowledge sharing tools offered by Invivox.

Invivox will also share resources its team of educational engineers and artificial intelligence tools for content creation. The aim is to offer modules that exactly meet the expectations of the professional issues facing healthcare professionals.

Explains Julien Delpech, founder of Invivox

Confirms Valérie Rogé, General Director of the Fondation de l’Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris.

The AP-HP intends to enrich this content and Optimize their sharingIt has an international outlook thanks to its management resources and the numerous scientific contributions available to it.

These tools will be continuously available to practitioners, 24/7.

This partnership will therefore make it possible to promote knowledge in hospitals while supporting professionals around the world to regularly update their skills based on practical and versatile content in French and other languages, using the Invivox platform open to the whole world.