On December 18, Qista, a Provençal SME member of the French Health Association, announced that it has entered into an export partnership with the environmental department of Al Khayyat Investments (AKI), a leading pest control company in the United Arab Emirates, to promote its ecological anti -Mosquito innovation. The solution proposed by the French start-up responds to the needs expressed by the Emirati authorities to combat these pests but also to prevent the epidemic risks associated with the infestation.

Mr. Malik Hassan, Managing Director of Al Khayyat Investmentsand Mr. Fadi El Fakhouri, Director of Alphamedtherefore got involved on December 18th together with the teams from Qistato introduce ecological and effective mosquito control in the region. The start-up already offers some 11,000 installations in 23 countries different, now exported to France, Spain, Italy, but also to West Africa And from the east.

On the sidelines of COP28, QISTA exports its ecological anti-mosquito solution to the United Arab Emirates

QISTA continues its internationalization through this partnership with the AKI Group, which will take over sales several hundred QISTA terminals throughout the area for Reduce mosquito nuisance in recreational facilities, tourist facilities, outdoor construction companies, educational institutions and health centers.

QISTA has developed an alternative to toxic chemical methods Its patented anti-mosquito technology respects the environment and the food chain. Another big advantage: the terminal also allows Real-time geolocated monitoring, mapping and analysis of mosquito populations for prevention purposes to measure current and future infestation levels. The scientific journal Animals was published last June a study This confirms the ability of QISTA anti-mosquito terminals to capture disease-carrying mosquitoes.

The solutions proposed by QISTA should therefore contribute to the implementation of a truly innovative, concrete and ambitious approach to mosquito control a high level of ecological, economic and toxicological requirements for a holistic effect.

The fight against mosquitoes, a major health problem in the region and in France

At least 11 different species of mosquitoes have been identified in the United Arab Emirates, therefore some are carriers of pathologies such as: Malaria and West Nile virus. In general, these pests can be transmittedZika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya fever…they are blamed for almost 750,000 deaths per year, which is not getting better due to global warming, which favors their spread. They also have some resistance to insecticides and larvicides, which are not an environmentally friendly solution. Please note that the mosquito is no longer restricted to very hot areas: in France 71 metropolitan departments are now colonized by the tiger mosquito and France’s island The case was protected last October native dengue fever Lthe northernmost point in Europe ever measured. These multiple forms of resistance highlight the difficulty of effectively controlling mosquitoes and therefore remind us of the need to export this type of innovation to prevent potentially very serious diseases.