In a corridor of the Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine Polyclinic, December 11, 2023.

A dozen supervisors stand in front of the military school in a warlike mood. This Monday, December 18th, in a chic brasserie in the capital, in front of a still life depicting a skinned hare, they explain why they introduced a rabbit to Agnès Firmin Le Bodo that same morning. The ministerial delegate responsible for health professions invited her to present the report which sets out the “ten-year strategy” for palliative care and end-of-life care that she intends to introduce.

Their boycott of the meeting aims to make their voices heard ” Fury ” of the seventeen scientific societies and medical organizations they represent. They are signatories of a joint declaration against the preliminary draft of the End of Life Act drawn up by MMe Firmin Le Bodo. The fire had been simmering between the minister and the collective of health experts for several weeks. But the disclosure of the first version of the bill (The world from November 15th and Le figaro of December 14th) triggered hostilities.

The provisional version of the law states that any person suffering from a terminal illness causing intractable pain can request a prescription for a lethal product that they would administer to themselves. If she is physically unable to ingest this substance on her own, she has the option of asking a doctor, nurse or family member to give it to her.

” It is a trap “

The minister does “the choice of an induced and organized death within the health system”, condemns the collective of seventeen organizations. “We are carers, not 007s who are given a license to kill”exclaims Thierry Amouroux, spokesman for the National Union of Nursing Professionals (CFE-CGC). Although he was usually invited by M. for several monthsMe Firmin Le Bodo protests against a drafted text at meetings to develop the project “In Isolation”, “in Catimini”and a “pathetic management” Folder.

However, their intention is not to permanently break off talks with the government. The focal point of the collective is Claire Fourcade, President of the French Society for Support and Palliative Care “A resumption of dialogue” respect a claim: the separation from “Caused Death Provisions” and the further “The development of palliative care” in two separate laws, while today they are in that of MrMe Firmin Le Bodo. The collective argues that the deadly gesture cannot be equated with a medical intervention and certainly not with treatment.

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