ROFIM and AMA, both members of the Franch Healthcare Association, present the first global surgical teleassistance solution: a significant innovation in the world of surgical technology, based on assisted reality technologies.

On this first Rofim And AMA have pooled their expertise in assisted reality and medical collaborationas part of their shared commitment to better patient care and support for healthcare professionals.

Revolutionary surgical technology thanks to assisted reality

The Ama XpertEye-Rofim platform, jointly developed by these two members of the French health association, is encrypted, secure and without data retention. It supports surgeons not only during the operation, but also in the preparation for the operation and in the follow-up care after the operation. The integrated solution is accessible via a web browser and allows the surgeon to do this under the guidance of a remote expert. He can transfer medical files and pre-operative images to him and then share them with him his impressions in real time thanks to Assisted Reality.

This innovation allows the remote expert to receive multiple video sources simultaneously connected glasses, third-party cameras or even endoscopic columns… These videos are supplemented with additional information very advanced features From visual contrast control to video viewing to live document sharing.

Medical collaboration at the heart of this surgical teleassistance solution in assisted reality

That is also a solution Win win for different professionals: Surgeons benefit from the transfer of know-how and can maintain their activity in the face of complex surgical cases. The experts shine their international expertise, from far. This extremely modern technology can also be used in Training of young surgeons at university hospitals.

But above all, this collaboration is a perfect example of innovation aimed at patient benefit, The people who have undergone surgery primarily benefit from this improvement in surgical, pre-operative and postoperative care.

This solution illustrates the gigantic impact of digital transformation on operating rooms and their vision, in the spirit of Innovation and health goals formulated in the “France 2030” grand plan. It is also part of a partnership with the innovation chair “Augmented Operating Block (BOPA)” at the Paul Brousse Hospital, supported by Institut Mines Telecom, AP-HP, UNIversité Paris Saclay and major manufacturers in the fields of surgery, anesthesia and digital health.

At BOPA, an initial installation has already been carried outunder the direction of the renowned surgeon Dr. Daniel Pietrasz, who evaluates the use of this platform very positively as it promotes new forms of collaboration between care centers. Comments confirmed by Professor Éric Vibert, transplant surgeon and founder of BOPA.

Announced on February 1, 2024, the solution has already been deployed in other healthcare facilities and implemented by ARS and GRADES from Guyana and Martinique.

Rofim and AMA finally want to market it in France, Germany, China, Japan and the United States.