The headquarters of the communications and graphics agency Printvallée in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine) in January 2024.

Ten thousand steps and more. As soon as you enter the building, the inscription above the intercom sets the tone: “At home on the second floor, it’s not that high for walking. » The floor plan and decoration of the hall of this small modern building in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine) match this. Everything here invites you to move around with a smile. On a black wall, a trompe l’oeil parachute suggests doing the chair (stand with your back straight against the wall and thighs parallel to the floor, as if you were sitting). Colored lines on the floor clearly direct visitors to the stairwell, and the signage is supported by encouraging messages in large letters on the walls. Rebels tempted to head to the back elevator are treated to a humorous offer “You still have the choice to use your energy by taking the stairs instead of the elevator”. This means of transport “accounts for 5 to 8% of a building’s energy consumption”emphasizes a sign next to the double doors.

Candidates for the climb on foot are encouraged “Climbing stairs for seven minutes a day – 50% cardiovascular risk over ten years”, engraved on the first three steps. In fact, regular practice of this activity, which stresses the heart and respiratory system – especially when climbing hills – and strengthens the muscles both uphill and downhill, has been proven to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

While the stairwells of modern buildings are generally gloomy and difficult to access as stairs are only considered a stopgap solution, this one stands out for its colorful and dynamic décor that has the theme of climbing and mountaineering. Two floors later we reach chic offices where the same spirit prevails.

Also read | Article reserved for our subscribers For the sake of your health and the planet, climb the stairs

Office bikes and standing desks, ball seats, a variety of freely accessible accessories (punching bag with gloves, dart board, mini basketball hoop, ladder for stretching or abdominal muscle training, etc.) promote activity both at work and during breaks. As are the numerous messages on the walls reminding you not to sit still for too long. Fun ways to combat a sedentary lifestyle and its many detrimental health effects. As the British proclaim, “Sitting is the new smoking” (“Sitting is the new smoking”).

Adopt the same reflexes when working remotely

This space is the headquarters of the communications and graphics agency Printvallée and, in a sense, the show apartment of Mazam, a workplace redesign company dedicated to active design. “The principle of this concept is to promote physical activity in a free and spontaneous way.”explains Christophe Mazières, President of Printvallée and founder of Mazam, with Nicolas Paugam.

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