Since its beginnings a quarter of a century ago in Montpellier, Steam France has made great strides in the world of medical devices. The company has been experiencing strong international expansion for a decade and has established several subsidiaries abroad, particularly targeting African markets.

This French company markets its devices, software and medical technology to various public and private customers, be they hospitals, clinics, laboratories or specialized practices.

Export is a pillar of Steam growth and increases contributions to major hospital projects

Steam Engnce has advanced its export development through investments in Africa and the Middle East, exploiting numerous business opportunities there. After opening four subsidiaries in Morocco, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Egyptthe company has consolidated its presence on the continent with the opening of a fifth subsidiary in Benin in 2023.

So far, exports represent 40% of Steam France’s revenue (16 million) It demonstrates its ability to conquer new markets and adapt to complex environments. His Moroccan company alone represents more than 11% of these results for 2023. The company is currently involved in a variety of projects, in Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Conakry, Ghana, Togo and Burkina Faso, and identify new business trends Rwanda, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Chad and even Saudi Arabia.

The fruitful collaboration with members of the French Health Association allows Steam to strengthen its presence in Africa

Steam UK is involved in the installation of medical equipment in several hospitals in Senegal, particularly in Kaffrine, Touba, Sedhiou and Kédougou, for a total of US$150,000 750 beds. In collaboration with members of the French Health Association Ellipse ProjectsSteam is involved in the construction of the Tivaouane (300 beds) and Ourossogui (150 beds) hospitals, where it oversees the installation of heavy equipment such as sterilizers and washer-disinfectors, as well as medical furniture. The installation and commissioning phase is planned for the first half of 2024.

In Ivory Coast, Steam France works with the French Society for Hospital Studies (SFEH)), also members, with the aim of equipping the Institut Cœur de Grace in Abidjan, an institute specializing in cardiology. The two partners will meet the institute’s needs for sterilizers, washer-disinfectors and medical furniture during an installation phase planned for May 2024.

In Benin, the company is involved in the sterilization process of the Abomey Calavi referral hospital as part of a major project managed jointly with members of the French healthcare system Bouygues construction. This hospital 600 beds Around thirty heavy devices and medical furniture will be used for this purpose and will also be supplied with sterilization consumables. The inauguration and commissioning are planned for June 2024. Steam France plans to make it available over the summer a trainer by its local sterilant teams.

A constant commitment to promoting French expertise

At the helm of Steam France is a very committed CEO, became president of the French Health Federation in December 2023. Jean-Pierre Boffy’s commitment to promoting excellence in French healthcare worldwide is undoubtedly a driving force behind the company’s international expansion, but also the overall development of the association.