At the Salvador-Allende municipal health center in La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis) in February 2021.

Dominique Bontoux took one ” turn “And not just geographically: by leaving the south of France to settle in Montceau-les-Mines (Saône-et-Loire), this general practitioner also turned her back on twenty years of private practice and was seduced by a paid practice. in the middle of the medical desert, in a health center. “One day in 2018 I found a brochure in my mailbox in which the Saône-et-Loire department was looking for family doctors and was pulling out all the stops to get them…” schedules and fixed salaries, teamwork, medical secretarial work… What is proposed to him on paper ” speak “ and fits into an increasingly everyday life “harassing”.

However, the decisive factor in her decision was the fact that she herself was ill. “As a freelancer, I worked much more than just full time; From now on I would have the opportunity to work part-time. I used to start at 8am without knowing when the day would end; I was constantly bothered with phone calls, administration, accounting, etc. As an employee, I could be relieved of these tasks and concentrate on my core business: the patients. Without that it’s easyshe trusts, I would never have gone back to work. »

Léa Schleck for her part, “Everything has changed without moving” : Within the walls of her practice in Labry (Meurthe-et-Moselle), where she had already worked alone for three years, the general practitioner successfully opened a health center in 2022. With z “trigger”, She said the Covid-19 crisis. “I have always been uncomfortable with the idea that the treatment location, the examination table and the equipment belong to the doctorreports the man in his mid-thirties. For me, who has never been guided by liberal dynamics, who does not have the soul of a corporate manager, the place of care belongs first and foremost to the patients. »

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers The thwarted love between liberal doctors and the state

The 1,600 residents of the village benefited from this. Through the town hall they can now receive three family doctors as well as two nurses and two employed medical assistants, like Léa Schleck. She herself came from one “Exponential logistics management” and a growing sense of“Insulation”.

“New relationship to the job”

Is this election for the two doctors a reaction to the crisis in independent practice? “Devaluation” denounced by their liberal colleagues, whose representative organizations are in the process of renegotiating their practice conditions and remuneration with health insurance? Both refuse “refuse” from one model to another. “It is also a symptom of a more global changeanswers Dr. lick, a new relationship to the job. »

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