The Tchin Tchin Wine Bar restaurant on September 11, 2023.

The owner of a restaurant in Bordeaux was charged on Wednesday, December 6, as part of the investigation launched in September into about fifteen cases of botulism, including one fatality, linked to canned sardines, the public prosecutor’s office said. The research made it possible to highlight “Various violations of health hygiene regulations by the manager, in particular with regard to the preparation of artisan jams”wrote Frédérique Porterie, prosecutor in Bordeaux, in a press release.

This is the manager of Tchin Tchin Wine Bar who was taken into police custody on Tuesday. He was booked Wednesday on charges of “murder and involuntary bodily harm,” “endangering the life of others,” “failure to render aid to a person in danger,” and “selling corrupt or damaged goods.”

The prosecution states that this is the case “demanded that he be placed under judicial supervision with a professional ban.” (…) any activity related to gastronomy ». Penalties range from two to five years in prison and a fine of 45,000 to 600,000 euros.

Sixteen customers identified

A total of sixteen clients were identified, most of whom were foreigners “Suspected cases of botulism” after eating canned homemade sardines between September 4 and 10 at this tourist restaurant in the center of Bordeaux, a city then hosting two matches of the 2023 Rugby World Cup. A 32-year-old woman of Greek nationality died on September 12 at her home in Vincennes (Val-de-Marne). The other fifteen victims suffered “various pathologies”said the prosecution.

Botulism is a rare and serious neurological disease, fatal in 5 to 10% of cases, caused by a very strong toxin produced by a bacterium that develops due to lack of sterilization, particularly in poorly preserved foods. It causes eye problems (double vision), difficulty swallowing and, in advanced forms, paralysis of the muscles, particularly the respiratory muscles, which can lead to death.

The investigation, entrusted to the Criminal Investigation Department, the Central Office for Combating Attacks on the Environment and Public Health (Oclaesp) and the Departmental Directorate of Civil Protection, made it possible to establish that there were around 25 people “were exposed”, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The investigations continue in another section concerning this topic “medical care of patients”adds the prosecution.

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