How can infertility be prevented? The terrain is slippery and the question is complex because it touches on the intimate. Nevertheless, the executive took up the issue at a time when three million people in France are affected. In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s announcement on January 16th that he would present a plan against it “Scourge” qualified for “Taboo of the century”It was decided to introduce consultations on infertility at the age of 25, with women being offered a gynecological examination and men being offered a spermogram. Lever one “demographic rearmament” The measure called for by the President of the Republic nevertheless provoked strong reactions from doctors: determining fertility or infertility at this age, with this type of examination and outside of a parental project has little meaning for them.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers Infertility, a “major public health problem” neglected by authorities

The idea is to rely on it “Prevention Assessments », these meetings promised by the government at key ages, including the 18-25 age group, for which deployment is expected soon. The occasion of “increase attention” and from “Sensitization further up” We clarify these issues at the Elysée Palace and ensure that they are not an obligation.

It would certainly be welcome that this is in the spotlight “Public health problem”, “Authorities’ blind spot”as highlighted by Report presented in 2022 by Professor Samir HamamahLack of understanding dominates. “It’s far too early. This meeting at 25 makes no sense, we don’t understand where it comes from.”, responds Mr. Hamamah, Head of the Department of Reproductive Biology at the University Hospital of Montpellier. In his report, which should inspire “A grand national strategy” Regarding infertility, which has so far remained a dead letter, the proposal of consultation at the age of 29 has been defended, which is close to the average birth age of 31 and is the same as that which opens the right to infertility “Fertility Preservation” for women, since the Bioethics Act 2021.

Tests without predictive value

In this way, intervene at an age when ” Opportunities “ Getting pregnant is up to them “maximum” also raises questions. “A year, two years later, your reproductive health may have taken a hit, but you will tell yourself that everything is fine.”, the doctor continues. And these two studies alone have no value “full assessment”, he emphasizes. For some, they are also extremely variable: the results of a spermogram can therefore vary “Collapse” only three months apart.

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