Before the Senate Commission of Inquiry into the Effects of Drug Trafficking in France Marc Sommerer, President of the National Commission for Protection and Rehabilitation (CNPR), known as the “Remorseful”, went through the motions on Monday February 12 to try to convince parliamentarians that there is an urgent need to reform the system for which it is responsible . He provided many details to senators who were not always paying attention the serious shortcomings of the repentant program. With the hope that they will finally adapt the law to the reality of criminal influence on French society.

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Before this commission, chaired by Jérôme Durain, senator (socialist, environmentalist and republican group) from Saône-et-Loire, he recalled that the CNPR emerged from this commission the law of Perben IIThe law, passed in 2004, had to wait until it came into force in 2014 due to the lack of an implementing regulation. The CNPR has eight members, four judges, including the president, a police officer, a gendarme, a customs officer and an internal intelligence agent. It has an annual budget of 780,000 euros, fully financed by the Agency for the Management and Recovery of Confiscated Assets.

The CNPR is headed by a judge and is actually under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. The secretariat is run by police officers from the Interministerial Technical Assistance Service (SIAT). In addition, Mr. Sommerer explained, it is the only SIAT that “determines the number of people to be protected”WHO “carries out the personality test and psychological assessment of the candidate, his credibility and his motivation”. The police also take measurements “the judicial interest of the case and the threat.” (…)then suggest protection and reintegration measures.”.

42 people protected

Only then does the CNPR decide on the suitability of the candidate. At 1um In January, 42 people, including repentants and their families, were protected under 18 active programs, three quarters of which were linked to drug trafficking cases. In 2023, 32 evaluations were carried out by SIAT, compared to around twenty in 2021. Five programs were validated in 2023, compared to two in 2022 and three in 2021. This is the first time since the system’s inception, that these figures will be announced. In comparison, the Italian repentance program lists around a hundred protected people.

There is still a long way to go before France has a repentant program worthy of the name, even though it is almost twenty years old. For moral reasons that make a criminal an untrustworthy person, the legislature has constructed an inextricable and almost useless legal system which, to make matters worse, is the subject of a muted institutional war between the legal and police worlds. ” Despite proven effectiveness This system is still very poorly used by investigative authorities and judges.”Mr. Sommerer admits soberly.

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