In November 2023, nine months after the failure of a first attempt, the conventional negotiations, d “) are expected to reach a new high point with the multilateral meeting on January 25th.

The third of this kind after those of November 15 and December 21, 2023, which included eight thematic meetings (on prevention, “Relevance” and that “Quality of Care”, etc.). These “focuses” will resume on January 10, with the parties involved hoping to reach an agreement before the spring.

At this point in time, the health insurance company has suggested that practicing physicians increase the financial value of the role of treating physicians: on December 21st, they proposed a budget of 100 million euros per year for this purpose.. A family doctor today receives an average of 16,000 euros per year “Treatment doctor package” (approx. 10% of sales), which, according to the health insurance company, is added to the fee for each consultation.

Minister weakened

However, nothing is yet known about the reassessment of the consultations themselves, a point eagerly awaited by the 110,000 liberals (generalists and specialists) affected by these discussions. The previous medical agreement, negotiated in 2016 and entered into force in 2017, had set the so-called “reference” consultation with general practitioners at 25 euros. For months they have been calling for an adjustment to a “lower limit” of 30 euros – or even more – in order to at least take inflation into account. On the 1st an increase of 1.50 euros came into forceum November 2023, for all liberals, as part of an “arbitration order” issued due to a lack of agreement.

These negotiations are resuming in an uncertain context, while rumors of a reshuffle are widespread and Health Minister Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, appointed interim minister after the resignation of Aurélien Rousseau in December, is politically weakened a case of undeclared gifts from the Urgo laboratory as part of her previous job as a pharmacist. A case in which an investigation is being initiated against them.