The National Assembly, on Saturday November 4th, in an almost deserted plenary hall, rejected the motion of censure by La France insoumise, tabled after Elisabeth Borne’s appeal, with 49.3 votes “Expenditure” and on the entire social security budget.

This 23rde The prime minister’s no-confidence motion received 89 of the 289 votes needed to topple the government. This rejection represents the adoption in first reading of the Social Security Financing Act (PLFSS), which now faces consideration in the Senate.

In particular, the text envisages a larger social security deficit than in the last financing law of April, estimated at 8.8 billion euros in 2023 and then at 11.2 billion euros in 2024. The bill is particularly burdened by increased health insurance expenses.

Measures that tense the opposition

When it includes consensual measures for the introduction of the papillomavirus vaccination campaign in schools, free condoms for people under 26 years old or even the reimbursement of reusable periodic vaccinations for women under 26 years old, certain measures of the PLFSS energize the opposition.

This includes, in particular, the possibility of suspending an insured person’s daily allowance if a doctor appointed by his employer considers the interruption to work to be unjustified, or of reducing reimbursement if shared medical transport is refused.

Another measure concretized the opposition’s criticism without appearing in the text: the possible doubling of the remaining amounts to be paid by the insured for medication (currently 50 cents per pack) and consultations (1 euro). Uncertainty also remains with another explosive measure: the contribution from Agirc-Arrco, a private supplementary pension fund. When the government has given up ” in this stadium “ to puncture it, he doesn’t completely rule out the idea. “I would rather let the social partners find solutions than limit Agirc-Arrco’s resources.”assured Elisabeth Borne on Monday.

The world with AFP