About the Inovie Africa Foundation Inovie launched a major breast cancer awareness and early detection campaign in collaboration with Activa Assurances RDC this week.

These two entities actually share the core of their mission: Access to quality care across the African continent. Therefore, as part of Global Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have Pink OctoberThe partners ran a campaign to raise awareness and early detection of breast cancer.

These two “Palp’Action” days, organized on October 10th and 12th, were aimed primarily at disadvantaged population groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A first day of sensitization and review took place at the UNHCR refugee agency and a second at the Congolese National Police’s Lufungala camp in the presence of Police General Kamanga Joel, who welcomed the initiative.

The general directors of were also presentInovie Africa and by Activa Vie RDC, Christian Hapi and Vincent Mwepu Makasa. The foundation and the insurance company worked together mobile clinic to carry out these screenings with the help of the teams of New international diagnostic center in the Democratic Republic of Congo by Inovie.

So, More than 200 women were able to benefit from free breast cancer screening, but also from a more general health check.

A look back at these two days of breast cancer awareness and early detection

Discover the photos of this event to fight breast cancer: