A barrage is intended to serve as a deterrent. While the executive branch plans to introduce an end-of-life bill “in February”creates a preliminary version of the text ” Fury “ in a press release published on Thursday, December 14, by caregivers who are opposed to active euthanasia.

They are reacting to a first government version entitled “Draft law on medical and euthanasia” – the The world was revealed on November 14th (November 15th edition). This document, which has not been published since, reached the desk of the French Society for Support and Palliative Care (SFAP) on Wednesday December 13th. It was recorded the same day Le figaro.

That is’“a bad text, the approximate character of which testifies to a serious misunderstanding of what exists”, responds the SFAP in its press release, signed together with a dozen other associations and organizations of caregivers (representatives of geriatricians, intensive care physicians, nurses and home health professionals) who have united for several months in a collective in favor of the legalization of euthanasia hostile to each other.

“An exception for euthanasia without naming it”

The preliminary draft dated October 6th was written by Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate for Territorial Organization and Health Professions. It was presented to the Elysée Palace more than two months ago, in accordance with the wish expressed by President Emmanuel Macron on April 3rd “Create an invoice by the end of summer”.

The text by MMe Firmin Le Bodo contains a Chapter III dedicated to this topic “Access to euthanasia” which includes eight articles. Euthanasia, explains the document in its presentation of the content of the articles “Opens the possibility for people at the end of life to benefit from the administration of a lethal substance”.

Finally, the explanatory memorandum to the articles explains that the text of the law “Introduces an exception for euthanasia without naming it” and precise : “LExpression to die for was preferred to the terms “assisted suicide” and “euthanasia.” »

“I was shocked when I discovered this document”

For the SFAP and the signatories of the press release issued on Thursday: ” all [de ces] The regulations contradict the demands of the carers. » “I was shocked when I discovered this document, explains this World Doctor Claire Fourcade, President of the SFAP. It is nothing more and nothing less than the legal introduction of euthanasia according to the model in force in Belgium.”a model that provides for assisted suicide and euthanasia and which is vehemently rejected by the SFAP.

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