It is a decision that is sometimes viewed with caution in those around them and even in doctors’ offices: that of young people who want to have a child before their 30th birthday, even though they have often not wanted to have children for a long time. carry out voluntary sterilization. At 26, Noé Vaccari is waiting firm status of her vasectomyan operation that involves blocking the channels that allow sperm to circulate.

After several disappointments with doctors who were reluctant to accept the operation and considered the person concerned too young to make this decision (irreversible in most cases), the man living in Villeurbanne (Rhône) finally ended up on the waiting list of a urologist. A specialist who would still have preferred to carry out sperm preservation just in case, which meant nothing to Noé, who had been convinced for years that he never wanted to have a child. “You must always be ready to present your arguments”he explains.

In recent years, the issue of early sterilization has arisen precisely around this difficulty that many young people testify when it comes to finding a doctor willing to let them play billiards before their 30th birthday. Since 2001, sterilization for contraception has been legal for all adultsBut doctors have the right to object to a conscience clause – provided they are referred to another doctor, which is not always respected.

To get around the problem, Séphora Manuel, who had a tubal ligation four years ago at the age of 24, used Facebook groups where the names of doctors who advocate this surgical procedure are circulating. “I was lucky enough to be able to move to another city. But that still says a lot about the desire for control over women’s bodies.”she is outraged.

“Growing need”

Benoît Morin, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Strasbourg who carries out these sterilization procedures, knows that his name is on some of these lists. However, the doctor notes that the women who come to him today were mostly referred by family doctors, gynecologists or midwives. In his opinion, this is a sign that this possibility of confirming very early on the lack of desire to reproduce and at the same time wanting to free oneself from the burden of contraception, “causes less and less blockages”.

Urological surgeon in a private clinic in Lyon, notes Jonas Wilisch “growing need” for vasectomies, in all age groups. “We see an increase in inquiries of around 30% every year: a sign of a growing desire, but perhaps above all of a greater awareness that this solution exists, with more public communication.”he observes.

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