NOTWe, a collective of committed actors, share the deep conviction: social isolation represents a silent enemy with alarming consequences for public health and social cohesion. The current figures challenge us and confront us with an undeniable reality: social isolation increases the risk for mental and physical disorders, impairs the effectiveness of treatments and leads to more frequent hospitalizations.

Loneliness in particular is associated with this The risk of premature death increased by 26%, while social isolation increased it to 29%.. The devastating effects of loneliness are comparable smoke fifteen cigarettes a day, even exceeding the harms of obesity and regular alcohol consumption. These statistics alert us to the urgency of action.

On November 15, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) created a commission that aimed to promote social ties and bring together important people. We welcome this initiative and demand that this issue be recognized and funded as a real public health priority in France.

Economic burden

Britain and Japan have already taken significant steps by appointing ministers dedicated to tackling loneliness. On the European continent, the European Union (EU) wants to invest more than 50 million euros in the coming years to counteract social isolation.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers The “loneliness epidemic” is recognized as a public health problem

In the United States, the annual cost to employers of stress-related absenteeism is estimated to over 154 billion dollars (around 141 billion euros). The American Association of Senior Citizens estimates that a lack of social contact among older adults is one reason $6.7 billion in additional annual spending for American public health. Ignoring the growing economic burden of loneliness is no longer sustainable.

In France we face an alarming challenge. Accordingly Joint Research Center of the European Union, approximately 15% of French people say they are alone most of the time, which makes our country one of the countries most affected by loneliness in Europe. While Public Health France implements Strategies against obesity, smoking and alcohol consumptionIt is imperative to integrate the fight against social isolation into a national health program. A comprehensive, systemic and evidence-based approach to tackling the loneliness of our fellow citizens must become a priority.

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