Triclosan is a biocide found in many products and is definitely not good for your health. While it is already suspected of being an endocrine disruptor, recent research suggests that it may affect the placenta.

An article that can be found in the magazineInsert #59

The noose around triclosan is getting tighter and tighter. In 2021 already a epidemiological study A study carried out by Inserm teams had shown that this biocide, contained in certain cosmetics and personal care products and to which we are all exposed, is associated with changes related to the expression of genes in the placenta, an organ that regulates the exchange between the mother regulates, is connected and the fetus. “ We have shown that triclosan is associated with more Methylation Placental DNA », recalls Claire Philippat, Inserm researcher at the Institute for the Promotion of Life Sciences in Grenoble, who carried out this work. In other words, the more future mothers were exposed to triclosan, the more specific sites in the placenta’s DNA underwent small changes in the sites associated with the expression of certain genes.

These results needed to be repeated “, she continues. And that is one of the goals of the study she led with Johanna Lepeule. Better ! In particular, thanks to a new cohort called Sepages