The series is inspired by a true story Griseldacurrently on Netflix, begins with this quote from drug lord Pablo Escobar: “The only man I was ever afraid of was a woman named Griselda Blanco. » The story of this Colombian-born drug trafficker, who shaped Miami in the 1970s and 1980s by importing violence and cocaine, makes it clear that women can also be involved in the drug trade. On a much smaller scale, in France, a number of women are following in the footsteps of the woman nicknamed the “Queen of Coca.”

“I’m a clean girl, I pass well, I don’t fit the criteria of people who are usually checked by the police. I’ve never been stopped in my life, I drive well. It doesn’t look like I like drugs. Even less than I sold”says Amélie (all first names have been changed). When the question of her first business came to mind for this young woman of South American origin, she was only 19 years old. She’s studying sales at a fast fashion company and is struggling to make ends meet. His first steps in adult life are not as easy as expected; Renting his first studio puts a big strain on his budget. So when his dealer tells him his needs in conversation, the mission he presents to him ultimately doesn’t seem that complicated: deliver weed, shit and cocaine to addresses listed on encrypted messaging systems on the same day, without consultation with the customers. Everything outside of working hours. This also applies to Amélie, who has been smoking joints since she was 15 ” For [s]e relax »She moves from the status of consumer to the status of seller, in a continuum that is almost obvious to her.

If he gets heart palpitations and cold sweats during the first birth, nothing happens during the tenth. The winnings quickly make him forget everything else. She earns between 150 and 300 euros per week, enough to cover her food budget and trips with friends. Like her, other women with degrees, income, stable housing and a fulfilling social life also devote themselves to selling drugs. Has nothing to do with the stereotype of the foreign woman who would serve as a donkey in a very precarious situation.

Also read | Article reserved for our subscribers From Cayenne to Paris, the route of the mules full of cocaine

“I was an art student, the tuition fees and the purchase of materials were expensive. I was surrounded by students who had a lot of money and were taking advantage of my loans.”reveals Ella, 24, who sold hard drugs for three years.

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