Théo Boulakia and Nicolas Mario.

Sociology doctoral student Théo Boulakia and historian Nicolas Mariot look back on the experience of the first lockdown in France, which took place from March 17 to May 11, 2020 as part of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic The certification. A mass obedience experiment, spring 2020 (Anamosa, 400 pages, 25 euros). The ability to better examine the drivers and impacts in the short and medium term.

Her book begins with a detailed description of the measures taken by the government in these 55 days. What are the peculiarities of “French” accommodation?

Theo Boulakia : The very existence of the curfew distinguishes France from many other countries. If we understand by this term the general ban on leaving the house, except in exceptional cases controlled by the police, only a few countries in Northern Europe have made use of it. Specifically, in France the use of green spaces fell by half in spring 2020 compared to winter. In Denmark it doubled in the same period. Another example: In France there are 1,630 fines per 100,000 adults, in the Netherlands there are only 77.

Nicholas Mariot : The most striking aspect of the French experience is what we have called the “police for all”. Within 55 days, 28% of the population was checked at least once, including people who were little or not affected by normal identity checks, such as women, executives or people over 30 years old. In departments like Sarthe or Lot, the police and gendarmerie carried out as many checks as there were adult residents.

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The central instrument of this house arrest was the exceptional travel certificate. What was his nature?

NM : Originally it was presented as a means of accountability, similar to a sworn certificate: filling it out was intended to make people aware that any exit was an act with serious consequences that affected everyone. But from March 23, when time stamping of exits becomes mandatory, it has become a control device.

TB : The certification has changed the fight against the virus in France
a fight against those who resist captivity. However, we needed time to appreciate the fear that this paper might have aroused in some people, linked to the metamorphoses of public space, emptied of its human presence and familiar elements. This “fear” from outside was a crucial factor in childbirth, especially for women, who went out significantly less often than men.

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