“As a physician, I declare that, in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath I took, I will continue to treat undocumented patients free of charge according to their needs.” here is “Declaration of Disobedience” signed by 3,500 employed and self-employed doctors who oppose the abolition of State Medical Assistance (AME) for undocumented immigrants in an appeal sent to AFP on Saturday. These health professionals are committed to this “disobedience” And “Continue to offer care free of charge” These patients wouldn’t mind if the device disappeared, as the political class wants.

“I will remain indifferent to your social or financial circumstances as well as your language and nationality.”promise the signatories of this text, initiated by two psychiatrists and heads of departments at the Henri Mondor Hospitals in Créteil and the CHI in Créteil, professors Antoine Pelissolo and Jean-Marc Baleyte. “Ethics prescribe the right care to every person who consults me. Wisdom denounces the ethical error and, incidentally, the epidemiological error », you carry on. Before we conclude: “Patients from here and elsewhere, my door is open to you. And that will remain so “.

During consideration of the immigration bill this week, the Senate passed an amendment that repeals the AME and converts it to “emergency medical assistance”. The government was not against it, but Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has since indicated as much “did not want it” that the text remains as it is.

“In hospitals this is actually disobedience”

The AME covers 100% of the healthcare costs of foreigners staying on French soil for at least three months. His critics accuse him of creating one “Call of the Air” for illegal immigration and costs “too expensive”currently 1.2 billion euros per year for 400,000 benefit recipients (3,000 euros per year per benefit recipient).

“Many private doctors have signed, general practitioners or specialists. If they see an uncovered patient, they will not receive any money. It’s a very strong position.”explained Professor Pelissolo. “In hospitals this is actually disobedience. I am not allowed to register for advice. In the event of a hospital stay, this will be at the expense of the hospital. It’s my decision, even if it goes against normal hospital rules.”he clarified.

Other signatories include emergency physician Patrick Pelloux, Julie Chastang, vice president of the College of General Medicine, and nephro-pediatrician Rémi Salomon. 3,000 nursing staff – including doctors, but also paramedical professions – had already signed a forum last week The worldwho calls for preserving this system “Healthcare”.

The world with AFP