Our forum dedicated to accelerating your business abroad, the French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum, has upended the test with the second edition rich in B2B meetings, thematic conferences, delegation presentations, cocktails… placed. We surveyed participants to find out what the forum did to improve them in 2023 and measure their improvement from year to year.

While’2023 edition of the French Healthcare Innovation and Business Forum, more than 60 French companies had the opportunity to discuss with delegations of foreign buyers about their healthcare and healthcare innovation activities to meet the specific needs of these markets. This forum has hosted more than 800 appointmentsa number twice as big as in 2022, in just two days.

This success can only be confirmed by the satisfaction of the participants, so we decided to send them a questionnaire. Discover here the successes of the event as reported by the participating French companies :

92% of French companies present at the French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum met foreign partners

We asked forum participants about their questions general satisfaction about the event, about the quality of Foreign market presentations And thematic conferences regardless of whether the countries featured are present or not to their commercial goalsor even about what they were thinking about Time spent on appointments. The survey also made it possible to obtain the opinions of the companies surveyed on the topic Communication around the forumand on the Likelihood that they will attend to the next edition. It seems the event’s unique format made this possible 92% of participants meet potential partners from abroad!

“Another great experience. Many thanks to the French Healthcare team for the support and creating a good place for the international expansion of our network. THANKS ! »

If we weren’t present at certain conferences, it was because we were attending B2B meetings. The events we were able to attend were very informative. Thanks again ! »

About the French Health Association

French Healthcare is an initiative led since 2017 by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the ministries responsible for the economy, health and social affairs.

The 1901 Legal Association brings together French companies, health institutions and research and training institutes that want to actively participate in a collective dynamic and jointly promote their international activities.
The association’s members, from start-ups to large corporations, reflect the diversity of the French healthcare ecosystem: public and private healthcare institutions, construction companies, architecture, hospital technology, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, medical devices, medical technology manufacturers, medical devices, digital health players…

By promoting French healthcare expertise worldwide and working to make France attractive, the French Healthcare Association helps its members expand their network, develop new business opportunities and promote French excellence in international healthcare.
