Today we meet one Personal and professional development coaching company Let’s Act Together specializes in change strategies. Why did they incorporate Healthy Mind therapeutics? Virtual reality headsets in their meetings? What advantages do you see in it and how do your customers react? To find out, we discussed these topics Nancy Christa wellness coach, in an interview and in a video testimonial Miracle ChristSophro-Coach and Relaxalogue.

Why did you decide to introduce therapeutic virtual reality headsets into personal and professional development coaching?

Nancy: Merveil wanted to breathe new life into coaching and relaxation. He was looking for a tool that could be innovative and bring real added value compared to the coaching we already offered “classically”.

His market study was presented and he chose Healthy Mind because the tool met his expectations: a medical device with graphic landscapes This will really allow people to escape and stimulate imaginations. Graphic landscapes also mean endless creation!

When I accompany him during the intervention, I find it interesting and positive that we are not in a filmed image, this creates an effect of surprise and really makes a difference! This approach enables real differentiation in the market.

If I had to sum it up, I would say it was the desire to be able to work differently and stand out from the competition.

What benefits have you seen from using immersion in your sessions?

Nancy: The wonderful thing about it Solution for a healthy mind is that we were able to add another string to our bow. We can offer Relaxation sessions in different modalities: with the headset, without a headset or a combination of both approaches.

We have found that this use allows us to do this go faster and further. With the device, immersion is quick and release is also quicker. For example, in coaching sessions we sometimes add a relaxation part with visualization. Now we recommend using the headsets for 10 to 15 minutes lets you relax and to be able to continue the coaching calmly and leave all the stresses behind.

For seniors in retirement homes or in Nursing homesWe intervene in therapeutic animation or on a more regular basis. When we follow people over a period of three months, we can see results after the intervention, especially in those who suffer chronic pain.

During an immersion, even if it is only 10 to 15 minutes, the Pain is really reduced, or even completely forgotten. The person feels so far away that he forgets the state of his body. It is very pleasing that we can remedy the situation.

On the other hand too makes the work of professionals easier. The medical staff often comes to us with good feedback and points out the changes before and after to the residents. This will make them feel more relaxed about their approach to care, and they will tend to help and participate.

The carers sometimes write to us and say: “You’ve been away for two days, but our residents are still on cloud nine!” We can’t wait to see you again.” And that’s very nice to hear. This feedback is about things that we can’t see at work, but that show lasting effect of immersions.

The result remains and that is important to us. We want to give the residents the marbles so they can to maintain this state of well-being because they are actors in it, even though the environment around them is not necessarily helpful.

Take your personal and professional development coaching one step further thanks to virtual reality.

How did your customers react when you offered this virtual reality experience?

Nancy: Generally we notice it curiosity when we introduce Virtual reality headsets. However, reactions vary depending on the generation.

Younger people, from teenagers to young adults, are very familiar with the technology and VR, so the introduction is easy. Those in their 30s often are surprised by the possibilities of the deviceespecially those who are new to virtual reality.

For people in their 40s and 50s, using the headsets is a breeze complete discovery and they themselves are surprised after the experience that they were able to play the game. At first they aren’t convinced, but they try anyway and eventually they stick with it The promise is kept: You will be able to let go, release tension and walk with full energy. It is clear that the process is not so bad!

Every immersion is experienced as one total change of scenery. Users are completely seduced by the quality of immersion and the sensations they feel within themselves. Some people feel hot or cold. They even ask us if we intervened during the immersion!

We encourage people to try the device because we know the product does what it promises. customers often Recommend the experience to your friends and familyexplained their initial doubts and their opinions after the demonstration.

What do you think makes Healthy Mind different from other proposals?

The coaching company Actissons Ensemble combines personal and professional development with virtual reality.

Nancy: The solution is a unique approach takes into account the user’s condition. Merveil also takes the time to talk to people before, during and after the immersion. We like emphasizes the human aspect: We’re not here to put a helmet on you, we’re here to put a helmet on you accompany you with a tool.

For people who are unfamiliar with this technology, let’s start with a relaxation session Approach immersion positively. During immersions we can continue to interact with users. People are never left alone in their environment; the intervention parameters of the solution enable us to do so communicate at any time with the users.

The functionality of Accommodation of personalized accompaniment is great because it allows us to specifically address the needs of each individual. After immersion, we debrief to find out how the moment was experienced and what it felt like.

We like to do that too awakens the senses For example, with scents, so that the person who comes into our space can feel a pause between the place where he was before and the place of relaxation where he is now and can say to himself: “Here take it I take time for myself and begin to escape through my senses.

How did you integrate the Healthy Mind device into your practice?

Nancy: We easily integrated the device after the Healthy Mind training to understand the tool, everything went smoothly.

During coaching sessions, as I talk to the person and suggest possible environments, Merveil starts the tablet and sets things up, then takes over. We have of course integrated this into our process.

Do you suggest other uses for the virtual reality headset?

Nancy: We offer events that make it happen bring together different participants in the area of ​​well-beingwhat we call Eden experiences. We continue to offer relaxation sessions with the headset and then combine these with a massage session.

This combination enables us achieve both mental and physical relaxation. We all need it right now! After the session, visitors leave with a new state of mind and the idea that taking care of their well-being is important in everyday life.

In the corporate world we tend to work within the framework of Quality of life at work (QWL) and we adapt to what the company wants for its employees. We use the same process but adapt to professional constraints.

In the private sector We can travel for solo, duo or group experiences. In parallel, we organize events to give others the opportunity to discover this experience and go home to take care of themselves with advice from our coach or our beautician-masseuse.

Let’s Act Together and Healthy Mind: a unique duo to promote relaxation

We would like to thank you Let’s act together for this discovery of their work and for their feedback on the Healthy Mind device!

If you would like to experience a unique moment with the Agissons Ensemble, you can find more information about their support on the website website or during the Eden experiences. The next meeting will take place on June 24th and 25th in Marseille. Discover others Use cases of the device or for more information about our Healthy Mind solution, please contact Contact our team.