According to the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (Sfar), more than 13 million anesthesias are performed every year in France. Despite the frequency of this medical procedure, anesthesia is often accompanied by anxiety and fear. After surgery, patients are placed under the supervision of a care team Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). This internship serves as a transition to regain your strength Eliminate sedatives before we go home. The usage of virtual reality in the recovery room after a painful or anxiety-provoking procedure offers many advantages to calm the patient. What are you? We propose to discover three main aspects that make this technology a valuable ally postoperative recovery.

Reduces patient stress and facilitates recovery in the recovery room

The post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) or recovery room is a Mandatory step in the vast majority of situations after surgery in general or local anesthesia for a therapeutic or diagnostic intervention. Depending on the type of surgery, the medical team may need to check respiratory, cardiac and kidney function, wounds, dressings and any drains inserted.

Although this phase in the medical course is of essential interest, this is the case Intensive care unit can be a source of anxiety for patients due to the postoperative context and environment.

In addition, various studies suggest that a high level of preoperative fear might postoperative recovery slower, more complicated and more painful. So by acting on this factor, Recovery in the post-anesthesia ward is greatly improved. The healthy mind therapeutic Virtual reality headsets Allow us to pull that lever and Reduce fear of surgery.

Virtual reality headsets in the recovery room allow patients to experience a calmer post-operative period.

Improving patient comfort after surgery

The idea of Comfort in the post-anesthesia care unitIt is multidimensional as it affects the physical, psychosociological and environmental aspects. One of the first Sources of harassment In the recovery room, environmental noise concerns, especially monitoring noise. In addition to being disruptive, these signals remind the patient of the environment they are in, which can cause additional discomfort or stress.

By immersing yourself in virtual reality, the patient is immersed in a situation both visually and acoustically Landscape designed to relax you. Additionally, The creations of Healthy Mind Rely on the principles of Music therapy to add a calming dimension to the experience. The use of sounds, for example, helps to relax and reduce anxiety.

Physical complaints manifest themselves in pain, nausea or hypothermia. tea analgesic effect from therapeutic virtual reality is then used to Relieve patients’ troubling symptoms. In fact, several studies have shown this surprising effect, particularly those by the team of Mosso Vázquez JL, Wierderhold BK, Miller I., Mosso Lara D. and Wierderhold MD. The latter observed a significant reduction in pain perception (-22%). and visceral response (-8% respiratory rate, -32% salivation) in the group that used virtual reality during upper gastroscopy. Other clinical studies confirm this observation.

In addition, the design of Virtual reality software based on a Teleportation principle to avoid the occurrence of Cyberkinetosis, virtual motion sickness. Therefore, there is no risk that the pain experienced prior to immersion will be increased or worsened by the use of this technology.

Finally, promiscuity or a lack of privacy can also be a source of discomfort. While immersion may not significantly change the situation, it does allow the patient to do so divert their attention Avoid these distracting elements and focus on a more relaxing experience. By eliminating the anxiety-provoking aspects, immersion provides a way to do this focus on yourself again.

Reduces postoperative pain

Patients usually feel uncomfortable and on guard after surgery. However, fear not only leads to an unpleasant experience, it can also mean an unpleasant experience Increase in the sensation of pain. Dr. Oberle and his team have found a connection between postoperative fear and pain. To alleviate the suffering experienced, additional treatment may be necessary. In this case, the non-pharmacological approach is an essential first option to achieve this reduce the possible side effects of medications.

A study published in the British Journal of Surgery estimates that the risk of a complication or even re-hospitalization in patients with anxiety is +20%. These data confirm the importance of Mental health care before and after surgeryespecially in the postoperative recovery room.

The Bicetre AP-HP Hospital in Paris offers Healthy Mind’s therapeutic virtual reality headsets for patients undergoing lithotripsy in the Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology. During this operation, the patient’s stones are broken up so that they can be excreted through the urine.

Although the procedure only takes 30 to 40 minutes, it is relatively painful. This allows patients to inject a dose of morphine sedation (capped) if necessary using a provided pump.

The introduction of virtual immersion has taken place striking effects:

  • morphine consumption decreased by 50%;
  • Hospital stay time has been reduced by 50%, resulting in improved patient flow in the recovery room and outpatient care.
  • The number of patients treated for lithotripsy in one morning has doubled.

Virtual reality therefore offers a first-class experience non-pharmacological solution to limit medications and Hospital time. On the other hand, the deployment allows medical teams to care for more patients without neglecting this Quality of care.

With less anxiety, improved comfort, faster recovery and fewer post-operative side effects, virtual reality in the recovery room has its place! Immersions promote something more peaceful experience of hospitalizationwithout causing Side effects for patients. With numerous applications, the device offers undeniable advantages medical and therapeutic benefits for the patient, as well significant savings of time and money for healthcare facilities. We would be happy to discuss the implementation of this solution with you or offer you a demonstration contact us.


  • French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation;
  • Lang, EV (2002). Cost analysis of supplemental hypnosis with sedation in outpatient interventional radiology procedures. Radiology, 222(2), 375-38;
  • Observational results observed by the team at the Bicêtre Hospital AP-HP in Paris over a period of three months (2020-2021);
  • Johnston M, Carpenter L. Association between preoperative anxiety and postoperative status. Psychol.Med. 1980; 10:361-7;
  • Kain ZN, Sevarino F, Pincus S et al. Attenuation of the preoperative stress response with midazolam: effects on postoperative outcomes. Anesthesiology 2000; 93:141-7;
  • Kain ZN, Sevarino F, Alexander GM, Pincus S, Mayes LC. Preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain in women undergoing hysterectomy. A design with repeated bars. J Psychosom.Res. 2000; 49:417-22;
  • British Journal of Surgery (BJS) February 14, 2017 DOI: 10.1002/bjs.10474 Association between mental health and wound complications after surgery.