August 29, 2023

🔬 Gratitude and cooperation at the ESC Congress 2023! 🔍

It was truly inspiring to have the opportunity to meet our clinical trial researchers at the ESC meeting in Amsterdam last week. We discussed the preliminary results of our ongoing studies and next steps. 🌟

🌎 Thank you to researchers for their invaluable contributions in helping us develop our non-invasive ultrasound therapy device to treat calcified aortic stenosis, driving innovation at Cardiawave, and shaping the future of cardiovascular health for better patient outcomes.

Emmanuel Messas Dirk Pauwels Maurice Delplanque

#ESCCongress #CardiovascularResearch #Gratitude #Cooperation #MedicalInnovation #heartvalvedisease #FocusedUltrasound #MedTech #Aortic stenosis #Medtech #FrenchCare #Health20 #NIUT